To be honest I am rather proud of my photography skills on that one *big smile*
Wow. This week has really sped away from me.. tomorrow Emma and I head off to the land of yanks and we shall conquer all! Ok. well maybe not but we will have much fun.. we have many things planned.. I would like to have it more planned.. but yeah I guess some of the fun is to not plan so much.. we shall see.. I am sure it will all work out in the end.. afterall we aren't gone for that long.. so at least we will be able to have fun filled days with little sleep.. I can sleep when I get home.. not so much the case for Emma though.. just as well she is a tough cookie... monster! I am looking forward to going but not the flight.. coz really who likes flying? not me.. to say the least.. the best flight I ever had was going from New Zealand to Australia.. I fell asleep before take off and woke up just before we started to descend.. nice timing.. but I did miss out on foodage so I was a tad hungry! but at least it only felt like I had a 20min flight lol bonus!
So what has happened this week.. well Tuesday night Nemo got trimmed.. which didn't make him a very happy chappy.. he doesn't much like it.. but afterwards he was very happy coz mops & pops was here to comfort him in his time of need and give him candy! Candy fixes everything! If only we could stop wars by handing out candy.. wouldn't that be grand? I think so.
Wednesday I gave Nemo a bath.. which resulted in him giving me deadly looks afterwards.. it was all highly amusing! I often wonder what he is thinking when he looks at me with his devil spawn eyes.. crazy dog he is.. you can really tell he is Emma's lol
Oh yes.. Tuesday and Wednesday.. I got to have cold showers.. yep.. so very nice.. once again the water was stuffed up.. Tuesday we send an email and you would think coz its a water issue they would get straight onto it.. but no.. they still hadn't done anything by lunchtime Wednesday and well I jumped in the shower.. it started out warm and I got all lathered up when it once again took a turn for the worst and I had to rinse off with ice cold water! not fun people.. not fun! So I finished up, got dressed.. jumped online and told Emma and she emailed the head office directly.. and within the next 2 hours it was all cleared up.. and they actually sent someone around to fix the elements.. and I swear he only replaced the knobs coz he was too scared to leave the apartment without actually physically fixing/replacing something.. coz I'm not a very nice person at the best of times.. but 2 days of cold showers makes me the ice queen! lol
Oh yes and talk about karma.. so we always have trouble with our neighbours leaving shit in the door to make sure it doesn't lock at night.. coz they are just simply wankers.. and well yesterday the door wouldn't stay unlocked.. it was so funny to hear them banging and yelling and carrying on outside coz they couldn't get it.. and call me petty I don't care but I got great pleasure in closing the door when they hooked it to stay open.. I even did it when I saw them running towards me and then just looked at them through the window as I continued to walk up the stairs.. petty? maybe... satsified? hell yes! I hate them and just wish there was a way that they would piss off. Hate is a strong word.. and yes when I use it here I really do mean it.. to all its extent. *nods*
Well that will be all for now.. I am off tomorrow and back in 10 days and I am sure I will have loads to report and many pics to show.. until then..