The weather for the past few days has been beautiful! Blue skies and just pure wonderful! However it seems with the blue skies at this time of year.. we get the really lovely chill that comes with.. which really does my head in, especially after having a day where it was PLUS 8! Yes that's right.. +8. This morning however it was -7.. not cool!
What have I been up to as of late.. lets see.. there was some baking, maple cookies to be exact! Om Nom Nom! So very good.. and I only screwed up the cookie scoop once over the 4 trays of cookies! Go me!
Nemo got a buzz cut! and now his winter jacket swims on him.. but at least he is all spunky.. or well a different kind of spunky coz I do enjoy his shaggy look.. but I really do love his colouring when he is all short.. its all win win really! Altho Nemo didn't think so when he was getting trimmed.. or when he was getting bathed.. or when his paw pads were getting tarred (but not feathered!) and cute little sockies here put on! Adorable! Here's an old photo of Nem's in his socks![clickme]
We went to IKEA! I love a good day out there.. we went by train too.. which is WAY faster than going by car.. crazy as! I much prefer going by train now.. but going by train means no big purchases. We came home with 3 paper bags of 'small' purchases.. one particular item has a little funny story to tag along and it went a little something like this...
Jo trying to decide what colour dishwashing brush she wanted.. blue or green.. it really is a hard choice right? Emma responds with the option of just buying both! *gasp* omg so excitement! and so I chuck in the 2 brushes to the carry bag and Emma pipes up and states "see.. you do get stuff!" and I am sure you can imagine my face after.. and then of course the laughing coz it was pretty darn funny!
We shopped and looked around.. then went back through the store for some lunch.. meatballs FTW! & then some coffee and cake too.. cheap eats FTW! Then on the way out, after paying for everything and feeling stuffed.. we of course had to have a little soft serve.. you can't go to IKEA and not have a soft serve! Seriously.. rain, snow or shine.. I'm eating soft serve when we go there. lol
And speaking of buying stuff.. Emma got something new too.. not from IKEA, or well she got many things from IKEA but this was something from a camera store.. a nice new little camera.. which is pretty nifty.. here a few of the photos she has taken.. and yes don't I make an awesome model? LOL
Ok.. so the camera is apparently 'ours' but we all know Em is the master photographer! And for anyone interested to know what kind of camera.. Canon Powershot S95 All in all tho, I have had a lovely few days with Emma home, even if she was a bit sickly snotty!
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