Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Mrs Plow!

Still ain't no Homer.. but maybe that was picked up on with the Mrs part? perhaps? perhaps? perhaps!

On Sunday.. while around at the parentals, Emma was doing her daughterly duties and decided to clear off the walk way up to the front door for them.. it seemed like the right thing to do.. and here is the proof that Emma was doing some physical labour! 

I know! It was kinda fun to stand at the window and watch her hard at work.. its rare but it does happen! She was doing such a good job too.. but just as fast as she was getting it done, it was filling up again.. the snow really was coming down.. but apparently not good enough snow to make a snowman.. I am starting to think that is Emma's standard line! Coz it seems the snow is never good enough for a snowman! I want a snowman dang nabbit!

When we went to leave a few hours later.. you couldn't even tell that it was ever done.. there was just a beautiful white blanket.. I really do love that fresh untouched snow. It's so darn pretty!

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To see Emma's full instagram feed - http://instagram.com/subspeaker (coz you know she takes some awesome pics too.. and some even feature me.. so I have to share those!)