Monday, 6 December 2010

Mr Sno'balls!

Well look at that.. I hadn't even realised that I was yet to do a blog for December! Shame on me! I guess I get too tied up with Hipstamatic & Twitter, that I forget that I have to string more than a sentence together. Plus.. my life really isn't all that eventful..

So anyways.. I shall get started with my weekend, coz it is the most recent thing to have happened to little ole me.. and not to mention it is easiest to recall. Saturday morning we headed off to Kristianstad to do a spot of last minute shopping.. I know I can't really say last minute when Christmas is still like 2.5 weeks away.. which reminds me.. 2.5 weeks until my birthday! Keep the presents coming! haha ok back to reality.. the reality that was there is a place that does an even worse job of clearing the snow on footpaths than Hässleholm! Kristianstad.. took the prize for the worst kept sidewalks around! They were uneven and slippery as all shyte! I did however manage to stay on my feet coz I am pure awesome.. this week! But yes.. I couldn't believe it when we arrived.. it was like they were asking people to just fall over.. here have some invisible banana skins!

We managed to survive and made our rounds.. in the chaos I might add.. I never ever want to go shopping again in December.. people are so much worse. I really don't like dealing with people. We got a few things.. not everything that was required.. I did however manage to buy 9 glorious beers! C'mon.. who wouldn't want to try a beer with a snowman on it called Mr Sno'balls! I even managed to find an Australian beer.. Coopers, gotta be better than VB that's for sure!

Once home we chilled until it was time to kick our asses into gear and bake some lussekatter before calling it a night.. once again I tried them.. and once again I did not like them!
Up early.. we made the second batch of lussekatter.. and once again again I tried them.. and once again again I did not like them. 

Then off we trotted to the parentals to drink glögg.. of course one of them was a saffron one and it was not to my liking.. which is understandable coz lussekatter = saffron and I didn't like them lol Anyways.. we drunk some good stuff too and ate loads of good stuff.. I really do like Christmas for the food at the very least! I even got some Julmust! Love the stuffs!

The walk to and from the parentals was quite the work out! Being a Sunday, it meant that the sidewalks didn't get cleared at all.. and there was a fair bit of snowfall so it was like walking in the snow back in the days of hiking.. I was worried that at any moment I might lose my footing and get eaten by the snow! Mind you.. I do think I look pretty in snow! hahaha and as you can see.. I finally got my winter jacket all sorted out!
 It really was quite fun.. and Nemo ate as much fresh snow as he possibly could! Chomp Chomp Chomp!

During the evening walk.. right before bed.. I decided to cut across the church.. there was all this untouched snow just calling out for me to walk through it.. the urge was so great that I really could not just walk around.. and even Nemo wanted to walk through all that clean fresh snow.. of course it was coz he wanted to eat it.. but nearly as fast I got set into walking through.. I discovered that there was much more snow than I would have thought.. and my foot got lost as it sunk deep down.. it went slightly higher than my boots! Nemo got his bunny on and bounced his way across.. taking mouthfuls of snow here and there for the energy. Awesomesauce!

Oh and also.. Apple finally added more SMS tones with the newish software update.. so I picked something much betterer than Tri-Tone! I'm totally Noir-ing it up now!


  1. Nice one on the beer front. Coopers ain't too shabby at all - slightly common here now (no where near the league of VB and the feral beers, mind you), but I believe they are one of the better beers for you (preservative free, organic maybe...) ENJOY! :)

  2. Back in the day when I hung out in Adelaide.. I went through a Coopers Pale Ale stage..
    VB is so rotten. *shudders*

    All beer is good for you.. in moderation ;)

  3. All beer is good for you (in moderation) except VB, XXXX, Carlton and Fosters...those really taste foul and have hardcore bogan connotations! :P I've had a really nice Blonde last night (even if it is owned by Fosters!) with a pizza - yum!! :)


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A banana a day makes you ready to play!

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