Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Cute Corner!

Lets enjoy some Nemo time, coz let's face it Nemo is pretty darn ace. On the weekend he got trimmed.. by Emma. As you can see he is quite sad about it..
..but now he is in his slimjim outfit.. I love how you can really see his 'colour' when he is all trimmed..

The best part of trimming him is.. when he goes all crazy after the bath! I tried to record it but once I started.. he of course stopped coz he really HATES the camera. Gutting really.. one of these days I'm gonna remember to set it up beforehand and have it recording from a stationary position and that way he wont bloody know.. altho in saying that he runs ALL over the place so maybe some of the goodness would get missed anyways.. If you are lucky BK.. you might get to experience it in the flesh when you are here.. in a little on 6 months! Goodness Gracious!

Yesterday I gave the little fella some very yummy for some curdled milk.. I don't like it but Emma and Nemo think it's the beezkneez! They both lick their chops when its around!
Nemo looks all adorable with a milky nose and beard.. right? Awww and look at those lashes!
And while we are on the topic of cuteness.. I'm gonna chuck in this photo looking all cute in his raincoat.. Aww bless!

1 comment:

  1. 6 months indeed - crazy - how time flies!! He is certainly a very cute old man after a hairy :)


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A banana a day makes you ready to play!

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To see Emma's full instagram feed - http://instagram.com/subspeaker (coz you know she takes some awesome pics too.. and some even feature me.. so I have to share those!)