Monday 15 March 2010


We thought that we had seen the last of fresh snowfall but no.. apparently we had not and so on Friday it decided that it would infact snow some more! O dear winter.. piss off already.

The weekend wasn't a complete loss.. even with snowfall. Saturday we headed off to the movies to see Alice in Wonderland and it was quite an average film. Glad I saw it but don't wanna see it again.. ever. We also watched Men Who Stare At Goats yesterday too.. which I enjoyed but how could I not.. it has Ewan in it.. and goats! I want a goat. I wonder if Nemo would play nice with a goat? lol

On Sunday afternoon we had the parentals over for foodage.. Sliders, then Lemon Curd & Vanilla Cheesecakes. It was totally FAB! Even Nemo got to enjoy his own slider.. so it was a really good day for him.. he got to see nanny & pop, eat human food, eat a dentastick supplied by nanny & pop AND go for a ride in the car. Big happy day for little Nems.

Before lunch.. Em and I got out the Wii and had a few matches of Wii Tennis. It was quite a lot of fun.. I had forgotten just how fun it is to play Wii Tennis.. and how funny it is when you hit yourself and others for that matter.. and even at one point, the Wiimote flew out of my hand.. however coz I was a good girl I had actually attacted it to my wrist with the strap so it flew kinda matrix style and then back into my hand and we continued playing. Good times good times!

So umm.. Em and I have officially been in Sweden 4 years today. Freaky Deaky. It sure has shown me who my real friends are...


  1. Oooo and on Saturday I saw my first squirrel of the year.. he/she was sooo cute! I wanted to take him/her home! I think Nemo would like a squirrel as a new bestie haha

  2. OMG the cheese is not touching the meat, what was I thinking?!

  3. Well once you get it in ya mouth.. it all touches lol

    I <3 Sliders!

  4. ...unless it falls out.
    Mmm cheesecake...

  5. You are such a cheesecakewhore! :P

  6. Some more than others I suspect


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Leave me a banana while you are at it!
A banana a day makes you ready to play!

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