Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Monday, 29 March 2010
The weekend was pretty slow and rather rainy.. more gloomy than I would have liked so Em and I parked up and get thru a nice chunk of Battlestar Galactica. Which is turning out to be quite a good series.. thankfully. lol
To counter-act all the weathery gloom, Em and I made Chocolate & Brownie Ice Cream. Ok ok I admit we had every intention of making it before the gloomy weather hit. Anyways it is a rather tasty rich chocolate ice cream and any chocolate lover would simply love it.. here, take a gander...
Next ice cream.. something fruity! O how I wish for boysenberries!
It really is quite typical.. that we have a smashing day on the Friday.. shining sun, blue skies.. even get up to a temp of 18! and then it all comes crashing down and rains. Poo @ you weather gods!
Daylight savings has kicked in and now it is back to being too bloody dark in the mornings! I felt as tho I needed a flashlight this morning while walking Nemo. Which I do own but can never find.. maybe I should just take the headlamp! Actually that would be rather funny.
Hard to believe that April is about to hit.
To counter-act all the weathery gloom, Em and I made Chocolate & Brownie Ice Cream. Ok ok I admit we had every intention of making it before the gloomy weather hit. Anyways it is a rather tasty rich chocolate ice cream and any chocolate lover would simply love it.. here, take a gander...

It really is quite typical.. that we have a smashing day on the Friday.. shining sun, blue skies.. even get up to a temp of 18! and then it all comes crashing down and rains. Poo @ you weather gods!
Daylight savings has kicked in and now it is back to being too bloody dark in the mornings! I felt as tho I needed a flashlight this morning while walking Nemo. Which I do own but can never find.. maybe I should just take the headlamp! Actually that would be rather funny.
Hard to believe that April is about to hit.
Friday, 26 March 2010
Good times! Good times!
That is what the ducks are saying these days.
Yesterday I headed off to do my weekly feed of them.. only to have them be..well.. not so interested in food but it seems they would rather get all frisky and I must say it aint pretty.. not one single little bit. I do hope to see some bubba duckies this year.. as I didn't get to see any last year and that is a little on the sad side.
This week has pretty much gone the same way as last week.. where nothing much really happened, however it was Waffle Day yesterday so we got out the waffle maker.. and made waffles! Coz you can't have waffle day without waffles right? with creamy jammy goodness!
The weather has been rather nice this week.. yesterday we got up to 12.5! Wicked right? Yeah I know you are all o so jealous! I have actually had to wear my sunnies on my day time walks, which has been a nice treat.. and daylight savings starts at the end of the week.. summer is just around the corner! Yippeeeeeee! Soon my ghostly white legs will get some sunshine and then they will just be white rather than ghostly white.. but at least I know of one person who is whiter than I.. and that would be Georg! I reckon I could look tanned next to her, as long as I keep Emma well away.
And now for the last bit of happy...
That is what the ducks are saying these days.
Yesterday I headed off to do my weekly feed of them.. only to have them be..well.. not so interested in food but it seems they would rather get all frisky and I must say it aint pretty.. not one single little bit. I do hope to see some bubba duckies this year.. as I didn't get to see any last year and that is a little on the sad side.
This week has pretty much gone the same way as last week.. where nothing much really happened, however it was Waffle Day yesterday so we got out the waffle maker.. and made waffles! Coz you can't have waffle day without waffles right? with creamy jammy goodness!
The weather has been rather nice this week.. yesterday we got up to 12.5! Wicked right? Yeah I know you are all o so jealous! I have actually had to wear my sunnies on my day time walks, which has been a nice treat.. and daylight savings starts at the end of the week.. summer is just around the corner! Yippeeeeeee! Soon my ghostly white legs will get some sunshine and then they will just be white rather than ghostly white.. but at least I know of one person who is whiter than I.. and that would be Georg! I reckon I could look tanned next to her, as long as I keep Emma well away.
And now for the last bit of happy...

Monday, 22 March 2010
Well where did that week go? Seriously! Time just seems to fly on by.. however I do have something to show for it.. in the form of an ice cream maker! O yeah that's right folks! Em and I can now make all the ice cream we want.. and any flavour we want! We even have a recipe for a Beer Sorbet.. which sounds so interesting that I am just gonna have to make it. Now we just need to find beer drinkers who will be willing to try it with me! The first attempt was.. French Vanilla and it was AWESOME! Nothing like fresh creamy tasty ice cream.. and now I have ice cream on the brain and it is all I want to eat. Anyways here is a little vid of the ice cream machine in motion..
I don't really remember too much of the week I just had.. other than it was pretty wet, dirty and full of freaken shit! On the usual walk with Nemo, dog shit has really come out of the woodwork.. and it is like a minefield.. so Nems and I have started a new usual walk and so far so good. I would rant and rave about how much it annoys me that people can't clean up after their pets.. but it really won't do anything.. like make all the shit go away.
Hopefully this week will be a better week.. but then again, it should be coz on Thursday it is Waffle Day and we shall have waffles!
I don't really remember too much of the week I just had.. other than it was pretty wet, dirty and full of freaken shit! On the usual walk with Nemo, dog shit has really come out of the woodwork.. and it is like a minefield.. so Nems and I have started a new usual walk and so far so good. I would rant and rave about how much it annoys me that people can't clean up after their pets.. but it really won't do anything.. like make all the shit go away.
Hopefully this week will be a better week.. but then again, it should be coz on Thursday it is Waffle Day and we shall have waffles!
Monday, 15 March 2010
We thought that we had seen the last of fresh snowfall but no.. apparently we had not and so on Friday it decided that it would infact snow some more! O dear winter.. piss off already.
The weekend wasn't a complete loss.. even with snowfall. Saturday we headed off to the movies to see Alice in Wonderland and it was quite an average film. Glad I saw it but don't wanna see it again.. ever. We also watched Men Who Stare At Goats yesterday too.. which I enjoyed but how could I not.. it has Ewan in it.. and goats! I want a goat. I wonder if Nemo would play nice with a goat? lol
On Sunday afternoon we had the parentals over for foodage.. Sliders, then Lemon Curd & Vanilla Cheesecakes.
It was totally FAB! Even Nemo got to enjoy his own slider.. so it was a really good day for him.. he got to see nanny & pop, eat human food, eat a dentastick supplied by nanny & pop AND go for a ride in the car. Big happy day for little Nems.
Before lunch.. Em and I got out the Wii and had a few matches of Wii Tennis.
It was quite a lot of fun.. I had forgotten just how fun it is to play Wii Tennis.. and how funny it is when you hit yourself and others for that matter.. and even at one point, the Wiimote flew out of my hand.. however coz I was a good girl I had actually attacted it to my wrist with the strap so it flew kinda matrix style and then back into my hand and we continued playing. Good times good times!
So umm.. Em and I have officially been in Sweden 4 years today. Freaky Deaky. It sure has shown me who my real friends are...
The weekend wasn't a complete loss.. even with snowfall. Saturday we headed off to the movies to see Alice in Wonderland and it was quite an average film. Glad I saw it but don't wanna see it again.. ever. We also watched Men Who Stare At Goats yesterday too.. which I enjoyed but how could I not.. it has Ewan in it.. and goats! I want a goat. I wonder if Nemo would play nice with a goat? lol
On Sunday afternoon we had the parentals over for foodage.. Sliders, then Lemon Curd & Vanilla Cheesecakes.
Before lunch.. Em and I got out the Wii and had a few matches of Wii Tennis.

So umm.. Em and I have officially been in Sweden 4 years today. Freaky Deaky. It sure has shown me who my real friends are...
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Dear Idiot Bikerider,

The more you ring that stupid little bell.. the slower I am going to walk on the FOOTpath.. you have your own little BIKEpath to ride your bike with on so freaken use it instead of coming up behind me and ringing that stupid little bell of yours. And for the record there was plenty of room to go around me as I do not take up the entire foot & bikepath. I know I am big but I am not fucking huge and if you can't navigate your way around me then maybe you should think twice about getting on your bike with the little fucking bell. It shouldn't take someone else on a moped of all things to ride past for you to realise that you can actually fit past me.
Clever Walker
Clever Walker

No really... I freaken do.
Monday, 8 March 2010
Total slack start to March I know.. time just gets the better of me sometimes, especially when I have no real inspiration to bring on words.. and at the end of the day words are needed to make a blog.. well readable.
Something funny did happen last week.. I discovered that when Emma gets to work she has entered Spring time while I sit here in Winter! Then she returns home after a hard days work and gets to enjoy winter all over again. Yes that's right folks.. In Lund is it officially Spring and in Hässleholm we are still officially stuck in Winter. But after this week I think we too will be offically in Spring! Which will make me spring for joy! haha Who knew that less than an hours train ride would have such a drastic effect! lol But in saying that.. we have had some
very bright sunny days.. the light is here which is nice and makes everyone feel less gloom & doom! I do however get the urge to burst into tears everytime I look out my window.. due to the fact that they are so freaken dirty!! I will have to get around to cleaning them one of these days I guess. It is still wicked cold during the nights tho and just above wicked cold during the days but the sun beating down upon you lifts your spirits and makes you want to go out and roam the streets.. we took Nems for a bit of a walk yesterday and when we got home.. he needed to be washed off.. all the dirt, sand & grossness just attaches to him with the slight hint of water.. and being that snow is still all over the place and slowly melting during the days the ground gets wet.. and then gets icy in the freezing night.. fun times right? Actually the funnest thing in the world is watching Nemo go crazy after you have rinsed/bathed him.. it is pure awesome! I should really record it one of these days....
We finally got around to watching Up on the weekend and what an awesome movie it was.. it makes me want to attach loads of balloons to a house and float away. Totally a must-see movie for all ages.. with popcorn! Totally loved the Squirrel! moments.
We were also supposed to go to the movies and see Alice in Wonderland.. but neither of us really felt up to it on Friday night so we skipped it.. maybe sometime this week we will muster up the energy to go and see it..
We did a spot of baking over the weekend.. first up were cinnamon rolls, not really my fave thing to eat being that I am not a huge fan of cinnamon but these were rather good so anyone wanting a cinnamon roll & cuppa.. just head on over and it shall be supplied lol We were going to also bake some Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter Oat cookies.. but decided that that would be left for this weekend.. we did however bake Nemo's Peanut Butter Treats.. which he just loves and he totally hangs around the whole time while baking them. However that wasn't all of the baking.. Emma also baked some bread rolls for breaky on Sunday.. always nice having fresh baked goods for breaky.. especially when I am the one who doesn't have to do the baking! Squirrel! Errr I mean Score!
Something funny did happen last week.. I discovered that when Emma gets to work she has entered Spring time while I sit here in Winter! Then she returns home after a hard days work and gets to enjoy winter all over again. Yes that's right folks.. In Lund is it officially Spring and in Hässleholm we are still officially stuck in Winter. But after this week I think we too will be offically in Spring! Which will make me spring for joy! haha Who knew that less than an hours train ride would have such a drastic effect! lol But in saying that.. we have had some
We finally got around to watching Up on the weekend and what an awesome movie it was.. it makes me want to attach loads of balloons to a house and float away. Totally a must-see movie for all ages.. with popcorn! Totally loved the Squirrel! moments.
We were also supposed to go to the movies and see Alice in Wonderland.. but neither of us really felt up to it on Friday night so we skipped it.. maybe sometime this week we will muster up the energy to go and see it..
We did a spot of baking over the weekend.. first up were cinnamon rolls, not really my fave thing to eat being that I am not a huge fan of cinnamon but these were rather good so anyone wanting a cinnamon roll & cuppa.. just head on over and it shall be supplied lol We were going to also bake some Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter Oat cookies.. but decided that that would be left for this weekend.. we did however bake Nemo's Peanut Butter Treats.. which he just loves and he totally hangs around the whole time while baking them. However that wasn't all of the baking.. Emma also baked some bread rolls for breaky on Sunday.. always nice having fresh baked goods for breaky.. especially when I am the one who doesn't have to do the baking! Squirrel! Errr I mean Score!
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To see Emma's full instagram feed - http://instagram.com/subspeaker (coz you know she takes some awesome pics too.. and some even feature me.. so I have to share those!)