Sunday, 31 January 2010
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Friday, 29 January 2010
Half Way!
Four weeks down.. four to go! To celebrate.. we are eating cake! Who says that you can't have your cake and eat it tooo! Ok it isn't the bestest cake in the world but for a no egg and dairy cake it is pretty darn good. I baked a fresh one today to cut up and stick into the freezer.. coz it is much nicer once its a been in there.. the freezer can do some wonderful things to cake.. and terrible things too.. which makes me cross my fingers that the Chocokin cake is safe in there and when we get around to eating it.. it will actually taste good.. but for this Liver Cleansing Diet cake.. the freezer does wonders. We had a couple of pieces left from the last cake.. so they have been pulled out to enjoy after dinner tonight.. noice!

Thursday, 28 January 2010
Crazy Weather!
So we either get really.. and I do mean really.. cold weather or we get more freaken snow! When will this end? Altho maybe I should be happy that it isn't really cold & new snow all at the same time? Yesterday it was sooo windy that after I had finished feeding the ducks.. both Nemo and I were covered in crumbs! A duck even tried to take a nip out of him.. but that wasn't coz of the crumbs.. that was coz Nemo was trying to eat the bread and that duck had a serious attitude problem.. just after it tried to nip Nems, it started to bite another duck so I threw some bread at it. Little shit of a thing.. but they are sooo hungry in this cold!
Sitting in my living room and looking out the window.. snow was coming down rather hard and then the wind was woooshing it off the rooftops.. it was crazy! Then after Nems and I had been out for his afternoon walk we were both covered in rather large snowflakes.. of the pretty variety too. Nemo looked like he had a white blanket on.. all his back, neck, head and snout were covered and then he had his black eyes peering out.. it was kinda cute. I soo wanted to take a photo but didn't have the camera with me and coz he currently has to be carried up the stairs.. the snow blanket was demolished by the towel I wrap him in so my jacket don't get all grubby.
Anyways.. lets move away from the weather and onto some rather exciting news.. and no it isn't about that horribly named new Apple product! Last night.. we booked our flights to Boston! 27th August - 6th September! Which also means we get to have Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte! If my memory serves.. they don't start selling them until September 1st. I am really looking forward to hanging with Hanna.. hearing English all around me.. even if they do think I'm Irish.. serious wtf moment with the dude selling the hoodies. In.. I think it was the M&M store.. or maybe it was a toy store? My memory aint that good.. but I do remember they thought Emma was German.. another serious wtf moment. Ahh those Americans.. they are pretty bright crayons right? lol We had such a good time last time.. but it was so rushed.. this time we plan on taking things a little bit easier.. or well that is the theory but dunno how that will pan out.. I just hope we don't get 'lost' again.. however looking back on it.. it really was kinda funny. Fingers crossed we don't get any crazy weather in Boston! Either way I think I will have a wonderful time.. now we just need to save some serious bucks so we can spend some serious bucks! hahaha
Sitting in my living room and looking out the window.. snow was coming down rather hard and then the wind was woooshing it off the rooftops.. it was crazy! Then after Nems and I had been out for his afternoon walk we were both covered in rather large snowflakes.. of the pretty variety too. Nemo looked like he had a white blanket on.. all his back, neck, head and snout were covered and then he had his black eyes peering out.. it was kinda cute. I soo wanted to take a photo but didn't have the camera with me and coz he currently has to be carried up the stairs.. the snow blanket was demolished by the towel I wrap him in so my jacket don't get all grubby.
Anyways.. lets move away from the weather and onto some rather exciting news.. and no it isn't about that horribly named new Apple product! Last night.. we booked our flights to Boston! 27th August - 6th September! Which also means we get to have Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte! If my memory serves.. they don't start selling them until September 1st. I am really looking forward to hanging with Hanna.. hearing English all around me.. even if they do think I'm Irish.. serious wtf moment with the dude selling the hoodies. In.. I think it was the M&M store.. or maybe it was a toy store? My memory aint that good.. but I do remember they thought Emma was German.. another serious wtf moment. Ahh those Americans.. they are pretty bright crayons right? lol We had such a good time last time.. but it was so rushed.. this time we plan on taking things a little bit easier.. or well that is the theory but dunno how that will pan out.. I just hope we don't get 'lost' again.. however looking back on it.. it really was kinda funny. Fingers crossed we don't get any crazy weather in Boston! Either way I think I will have a wonderful time.. now we just need to save some serious bucks so we can spend some serious bucks! hahaha
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Monday, 25 January 2010
Stylish Hair!
It is back to the really freaken cold weather.. -13 this morning! What is up with this weather? But on a better note.. it is slowly starting to get more light! Which means come 4pm.. you can actually see your feet when you are out walking! Or feeding the ducks.. which we did twice this weekend coz well.. it was so cold and they seemed so very hungry when we went on Saturday.. it was like a frenzy! They even managed to flick bread crumbs in my eyes.. nice right?
The weekend was just another normal weekend.. spent staying away from the cold and only venturing out when we really had to.. mainly coz it was a death trap out there.. with the cold and the fact that the whole town is basically an ice rink.. you would think that the council would be able to deal with the snow better by now.. I mean.. how long has Sweden been getting snow? Surely they should be better equipt by now? Right?
Nemo has managed to hurt his back again.. don't know how but its back to the carrying of him up and down the stairs.. which is quite a task. We have a few pills left over from last time so we are gonna give them to him and hopefully it clears him up but now I am thinking it is going to be an ongoing issue which kinda sucks coz he always goes full throttle.. I believe he still thinks he is a puppy even tho he will be 11 in just a few months.
So umm.. lets just finish on a couple of photos yeah? coz they are pretty ace!

Thursday, 21 January 2010
Great Start!
This morning I got to sleep in.. and by sleep in I mean that I didn't get woken up by an alarm.. which is simply wonderful and kinda refreshing really.. I feel like a totally different person if I am woken up by an alarm.. which happens most mornings but this morning it simply was grand to wake up at around 5:45am.. an hour later than usual too which is an added bonus also.. and then even more of a bonus.. Emma took Nemo for his morning walk! Noice! Then I actually got to have breakfast with Emma before she headed off to work.. extra noice! So my day has started off rather well indeed. However the downside to this is.. Emma wont be home until after 6pm! Boo! But I wont dwell on that coz well I'm in a good mood from the good start.
Other good news.. last night Nemo actually managed to get the candy out of his ball all by himself! I was so proud of him and he seemed pretty darn chuffed himself. So he got an extra piece of candy last night coz.. well earlier in the day he had been going at his toy trying to get the candy.. then I decided I would help him but I got frustrated trying to get it out so I threw it and just went to the cupboard and got him a new piece.. then last night he had another crack at his toy and got him! Ace right? Well I think it is.. I think I will refill the toy and let him have it after dinner tonight.. yes I am that nice lol
Something not so nice but totally drinkable however is.. coffee and oat milk, I really really really felt like a coffee earlier so I decided to bite the bullet and try it with the oat milk and it really isn't all that bad, much betterer than with soy milk that's for sure. I wont make a habit of having coffee with oat milk while I am doing the LCD coz for every coffee I drink I have to drink the same amount of water.. and as it stands I already drink a shitload of water but it was good to get that little caffine fix.. green tea really doesn't 'fix' anything.. or well apart from warming you up in this terrible cold! I am sooo sick of the cold and even the snow.. mainly coz they do such a crap job at clearing it away.. which I think there is no excuse for.. but yeah I am in total need of a holiday! Away from Sweden! Boston can't come soon enough!
Oh and today I saw the cheapest flights ever to Melb.. 6050sek! Seriously cheap for a return trip.. but sadly it was for travel in the period April-June and so that isn't really the best time.. for many reasons really but mainly coz that is when things start to get nicer here and shitter there lol But what a bummer right? We need more cheap flights like that all the time and then maybe we can actually afford to head back for a holiday.. and possibly do the train trip all around Australia.. ahhh dreams are free right? Altho one dream will come true next year** when Em & I take off for a air/track/road trip around Europe for several weeks with a couple of buds from Australia.. one being The Bunnie Killer.. & the other being her kick boxing man(it is kick boxing he does for training right? or do I have the wrong dude? lol).. so we will be pretty darn safe! hahaha
Other good news.. last night Nemo actually managed to get the candy out of his ball all by himself! I was so proud of him and he seemed pretty darn chuffed himself. So he got an extra piece of candy last night coz.. well earlier in the day he had been going at his toy trying to get the candy.. then I decided I would help him but I got frustrated trying to get it out so I threw it and just went to the cupboard and got him a new piece.. then last night he had another crack at his toy and got him! Ace right? Well I think it is.. I think I will refill the toy and let him have it after dinner tonight.. yes I am that nice lol
Something not so nice but totally drinkable however is.. coffee and oat milk, I really really really felt like a coffee earlier so I decided to bite the bullet and try it with the oat milk and it really isn't all that bad, much betterer than with soy milk that's for sure. I wont make a habit of having coffee with oat milk while I am doing the LCD coz for every coffee I drink I have to drink the same amount of water.. and as it stands I already drink a shitload of water but it was good to get that little caffine fix.. green tea really doesn't 'fix' anything.. or well apart from warming you up in this terrible cold! I am sooo sick of the cold and even the snow.. mainly coz they do such a crap job at clearing it away.. which I think there is no excuse for.. but yeah I am in total need of a holiday! Away from Sweden! Boston can't come soon enough!
Oh and today I saw the cheapest flights ever to Melb.. 6050sek! Seriously cheap for a return trip.. but sadly it was for travel in the period April-June and so that isn't really the best time.. for many reasons really but mainly coz that is when things start to get nicer here and shitter there lol But what a bummer right? We need more cheap flights like that all the time and then maybe we can actually afford to head back for a holiday.. and possibly do the train trip all around Australia.. ahhh dreams are free right? Altho one dream will come true next year** when Em & I take off for a air/track/road trip around Europe for several weeks with a couple of buds from Australia.. one being The Bunnie Killer.. & the other being her kick boxing man(it is kick boxing he does for training right? or do I have the wrong dude? lol).. so we will be pretty darn safe! hahaha
**as long as we can scrape together the required funds of course.
Monday, 18 January 2010
What Happened?
O my! I haven't blogged in a week! What happened?
Well.. let me see.. I really have no excuse other than to say I have been slack and nothing nothing but slack things.. exciting right?
However a bit of excitement did happen.. early in the week.. we finally received our xmas package from Hanna in the You Ess Of Aye! Which was sent before xmas so that it would arrive for xmas.. but it didn't arrive and so a little email from us to Hanna and then Hanna to the USA postal service and helloooo here it is.. 3 weeks after xmas.. so yeah a little bit of happiness that we finally got all our goodies and a new screen for me iPhone!
Now that brings me to the fixing of the screen which happened to take place yesterday.. at the parentals.. the hardest part was removing the screen from its frame.. which took some doing and a touch of stress but with a little teamwork we got it off no worries! I must say tho I am mighty glad that I didn't have to do any of the really fiddly things.. like the mega tiny screws!
Anyways here we are hard at work.. or well.. I'm cleaning off the excess glue on the frame while Emma takes a photo of the LCD screen(face down thingo) and cracked screen. Deep down I think I wanted us to not be able to do it so that I could just get a new new iPhone.. you know the one that hasn't been released but we all know Apple will release coz it's what they do! lol
Umm what else has happened? Emma tried to eat the ducks crouton!
Umm.. the wind was really terrible over the weekend.. it felt as tho it would cut you in two.. not cool so it made for walking very briskly when we had to go out and about... oh yes.. we also went to the pet store to buy Nemo some shampoo and conditioner.. and a new rain jacket/warm jacket for the ice cold temps.. but we did not succeed there as they didn't have any decent jackets that you could use with a harness.. or well they had 1.. but not in Nemo's size! totally pooey! So we got him a holy ball that you put candy in and he has to try and get it out.. which keeps him well occupied coz the candy we got for it is a tad.. ok a lot too big lol after a while we help him but we let him have a good crack at it first. They did have his shampoo and conditioner so it wasn't a complete waste of time.. now we just have to pick a good time to give him a good scrubbing.. fun times!
Well.. let me see.. I really have no excuse other than to say I have been slack and nothing nothing but slack things.. exciting right?
However a bit of excitement did happen.. early in the week.. we finally received our xmas package from Hanna in the You Ess Of Aye! Which was sent before xmas so that it would arrive for xmas.. but it didn't arrive and so a little email from us to Hanna and then Hanna to the USA postal service and helloooo here it is.. 3 weeks after xmas.. so yeah a little bit of happiness that we finally got all our goodies and a new screen for me iPhone!
Now that brings me to the fixing of the screen which happened to take place yesterday.. at the parentals.. the hardest part was removing the screen from its frame.. which took some doing and a touch of stress but with a little teamwork we got it off no worries! I must say tho I am mighty glad that I didn't have to do any of the really fiddly things.. like the mega tiny screws!
Anyways here we are hard at work.. or well.. I'm cleaning off the excess glue on the frame while Emma takes a photo of the LCD screen(face down thingo) and cracked screen. Deep down I think I wanted us to not be able to do it so that I could just get a new new iPhone.. you know the one that hasn't been released but we all know Apple will release coz it's what they do! lol
Umm what else has happened? Emma tried to eat the ducks crouton!
Umm.. the wind was really terrible over the weekend.. it felt as tho it would cut you in two.. not cool so it made for walking very briskly when we had to go out and about... oh yes.. we also went to the pet store to buy Nemo some shampoo and conditioner.. and a new rain jacket/warm jacket for the ice cold temps.. but we did not succeed there as they didn't have any decent jackets that you could use with a harness.. or well they had 1.. but not in Nemo's size! totally pooey! So we got him a holy ball that you put candy in and he has to try and get it out.. which keeps him well occupied coz the candy we got for it is a tad.. ok a lot too big lol after a while we help him but we let him have a good crack at it first. They did have his shampoo and conditioner so it wasn't a complete waste of time.. now we just have to pick a good time to give him a good scrubbing.. fun times!

Sunday, 10 January 2010
Lackluster Weekend.
Well another weekend down but at least I have Beetroot Soup and 3 Bean Veg Chili to show for it. Which I made in my spunky new huge pot that I got for xmas! I have been itching to use it so I went all out and made 2 things in one day! go me! However making the beetroot soup caused me to get another injury.. would you believe that finely chopping the beetroot caused 2 little blisters.. I would say it was from the fact that I had my hands in plastic bags.. makes chopping fun I tells ya! There was no way I wanted to have pink beetroot hands.
We also tried another recipe from the Raw Food recipe book and it wasn't a complete fail. We made the Taco mix out of soaked raw nuts, leek, carrot & soy sauce. We prolly would make it again.. at some stage in life and actually have taco shells with it.. I could imagine it would be very good then.
Well.. there really isn't much to say about the weekend so I shall leave you with an almighty awww moment.. I know.. I know.. we are SO cute!
We also tried another recipe from the Raw Food recipe book and it wasn't a complete fail. We made the Taco mix out of soaked raw nuts, leek, carrot & soy sauce. We prolly would make it again.. at some stage in life and actually have taco shells with it.. I could imagine it would be very good then.
Well.. there really isn't much to say about the weekend so I shall leave you with an almighty awww moment.. I know.. I know.. we are SO cute!
Friday, 8 January 2010
I Suck!
Really I do.. wanna know why? coz I bloody sliced the tip of my finger while cutting up bread for the duckies! I baked two lovely loaves yesterday for them and today I go to cut them up.. and I do a really good job as usual too.. until the very last slice! and by last slice I not only mean the last slice of the bread but the last physcial slice into the actual bread that I am going to make! Seriously not cool! It bled like a bitch.. so I ran it under some cold water and it stung like a bitch.. so I put a band-aid on it along with some plaster tape and it throbbed like a bitch! So yeah.. I Suck.
Another thing that sucks is.. it is currently -13! Weather gods you Suck!
What doesn't suck tho is the possibility that I could get Emma to do the dishes all weekend...
Another thing that sucks is.. it is currently -13! Weather gods you Suck!
What doesn't suck tho is the possibility that I could get Emma to do the dishes all weekend...
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Change Day!
It had to happen sometime and today it happened.. Emma went back to work so once again it is just little ole me and little ole Nems hanging out at home.. and currently little ole Nems is sulking.. but that was to be expected.
The warmer weather of -2 has gone also and we are back to.. this morning -8! Yup I know you just want to be right here.. right now!
Also gone are the days of sleeping in until around 6:30am.. back to the early starts.. for 2 days anyways.. we have a weekend looming.. and speaking of looming I am sure that is what Emma will be doing this weekend.. given that she remembers to pick up some more yawn.. err I mean yarn. She is currently in the process of loom knitting a scarf.. next up a hat maybe? Maybe then a sweater for Nems? Will she be that daring? Only time will tell if this 'hobby' gets shelved. I think I need a hobby.. but what?
My birthday flowers have bitten the dust so today I think it is time to bid them farewell and down to the organic trash they go. They were nice while they lasted and actually they still smell quite nice.. they are just looking a little dead and brown.. in some areas.. but I guess that is what happens with flowers.. rather than a potted plant.. I do prefer a bunch of flowers over a potted plant that's for sure.
Today is the day of changes.. luckily no diaper changes!
However.. now is the time for me to go and make my breaky and then sit down and watch some crappy tv.. some things just don't change!
The warmer weather of -2 has gone also and we are back to.. this morning -8! Yup I know you just want to be right here.. right now!
Also gone are the days of sleeping in until around 6:30am.. back to the early starts.. for 2 days anyways.. we have a weekend looming.. and speaking of looming I am sure that is what Emma will be doing this weekend.. given that she remembers to pick up some more yawn.. err I mean yarn. She is currently in the process of loom knitting a scarf.. next up a hat maybe? Maybe then a sweater for Nems? Will she be that daring? Only time will tell if this 'hobby' gets shelved. I think I need a hobby.. but what?
My birthday flowers have bitten the dust so today I think it is time to bid them farewell and down to the organic trash they go. They were nice while they lasted and actually they still smell quite nice.. they are just looking a little dead and brown.. in some areas.. but I guess that is what happens with flowers.. rather than a potted plant.. I do prefer a bunch of flowers over a potted plant that's for sure.
Today is the day of changes.. luckily no diaper changes!
However.. now is the time for me to go and make my breaky and then sit down and watch some crappy tv.. some things just don't change!
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Snow Again!
It has warmed up some.. so we are sitting at around minus 2 degrees and the snow has come back.. umm yay? It can actually be quite pretty.. like as I type this.. I look towards the windows and see the large snowflakes falling down.. it is actually quite funky.. but then if you go and look outside the roads are a mess and the footpaths will once again suck to walk on.. but on a much brighter note I can wear my yaktrax again! YaY!
p.s. the red car is actually the parentals new car.. that currently doesn't make me sick..
but makes me feel cramped! Not as spacious in there as one might think considering the size..
The past couple of days have been pretty much nothing days.. again! As well, there really isn't much to do when you have a headache so bad that you don't want to venture out into the world, I even passed up the chance to go and play with a puppy.. which turned out to not happen anyways. So yeah.. I spent yesterday pretty much like this.. top 'n' tailing with my boy Nems!
Sunday, 3 January 2010
TwentyTen has kicked off with.. cold cold cooold weather! Currently MINUS 14! That's right folk.. -14! So each and everytime I have to venture outside I just want to cry.. mainly coz the moment that cold hits my eye.. it sends the biggest pain straight through my pretty little head. Luckily Emma has been very nice and takes Nemo out for most of his walks so I don't have to.
Umm let's go back a step or two and talk about my new year's eve.. we have a very nice meal of vege lasagne and tomato salad, followed by Ben & Jerry's ice cream! and then to top things off we drank some god awful cava! Strawberries my ass! But we rung in the new year standing at the window watching the idiots let off fireworks.. I say idiots coz they were doing it on the road. There were a few nice bursts but nothing really cool.. mainly the same ole same ole. Seen one fireworks display.. seen em all I say. At least this year we didn't get woken up at all hours with people letting off fireworks.. not on new year's eve.
We woke up on 01/01/10 to -10! Yikes! It was a nothing day as nothing was open.. nothing was even on TV.. it was just nothing! We bummed around and started the long slow process that is the Liver Cleansing Diet.. 3 days in and it still sucks as much as last time. Last night I tried the worst pesto EVER! All it tasted of was oil and salt.. never mind that it has a whole basil plant and 70g pinenuts, oh and a splash of lemon.. it was quite sad really, so I didn't have any on my salad. The first recipe we try from Emma's Raw Food recipe book and it's bloody rotten! Typical right? Hopefully I don't get many more awful things from there.. there has to be some goodness right?
We do have a couple of new recipes.. not from the Raw Food book.. that look rather promising! Fingers crossed! I don't want anymore FAIL's!
Speaking of fail.. I played a little of the super mario wii game.. and I sucked.. it didn't help that Emma sat there judging me the whole time.. so after about 10mins I just turned it off. Stoopid game.
Now I shall end on a special Emma & Nemo moment where they were having a little smooch.. I wanted to post a much cuter pic but Emma wouldn't allow it coz you could see her thermal pants.. spoil sport!
Umm let's go back a step or two and talk about my new year's eve.. we have a very nice meal of vege lasagne and tomato salad, followed by Ben & Jerry's ice cream! and then to top things off we drank some god awful cava! Strawberries my ass! But we rung in the new year standing at the window watching the idiots let off fireworks.. I say idiots coz they were doing it on the road. There were a few nice bursts but nothing really cool.. mainly the same ole same ole. Seen one fireworks display.. seen em all I say. At least this year we didn't get woken up at all hours with people letting off fireworks.. not on new year's eve.
We woke up on 01/01/10 to -10! Yikes! It was a nothing day as nothing was open.. nothing was even on TV.. it was just nothing! We bummed around and started the long slow process that is the Liver Cleansing Diet.. 3 days in and it still sucks as much as last time. Last night I tried the worst pesto EVER! All it tasted of was oil and salt.. never mind that it has a whole basil plant and 70g pinenuts, oh and a splash of lemon.. it was quite sad really, so I didn't have any on my salad. The first recipe we try from Emma's Raw Food recipe book and it's bloody rotten! Typical right? Hopefully I don't get many more awful things from there.. there has to be some goodness right?
We do have a couple of new recipes.. not from the Raw Food book.. that look rather promising! Fingers crossed! I don't want anymore FAIL's!
Speaking of fail.. I played a little of the super mario wii game.. and I sucked.. it didn't help that Emma sat there judging me the whole time.. so after about 10mins I just turned it off. Stoopid game.
Now I shall end on a special Emma & Nemo moment where they were having a little smooch.. I wanted to post a much cuter pic but Emma wouldn't allow it coz you could see her thermal pants.. spoil sport!
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To see Emma's full instagram feed - http://instagram.com/subspeaker (coz you know she takes some awesome pics too.. and some even feature me.. so I have to share those!)