Monday, 21 September 2009

Our Little Nems!

Monday again.. what will the week bring? Hopefully something worthwhile.. but I doubt it as there is rain on the forecast.. but in saying that how often is the forecast right? maybe like 10% and I think I'm being generous there.. don't you? lol

The weather today is a bit of an alright.. cold but sunny, I'm sure it will warm up like the last couple of days as the day moves on.. yesterday it was pretty darn nice. It was so nice that Nemo would lay on the couch.. and long to go outside...
...or maybe he was just sniffing my foot?
I can't blame him if he was sniffing my foot.. they are like roses!

Nemo's favourite place on the couch seems to be right on the edge and no matter what he will always squeeze himself in there.. even if it means that his head falls off when sleeping.. which is what happened here.. his head was tucked in nice.. but then it slowly started to shift.. until his heavy head dropped and he pulled the evil eye at She-Ra with the camera..Mighty unimpressed he was. Nemo is the only dog I know who has a hate towards the camera, it is actually rather amusing.. Emma was trying to record him yesterday and he just simply refused to look at the camera.. and here in this video of his morning roll [watch video] you see when he is finished and see's that the camera is on him.. his tail stops wagging! LOL He really is one of a kind.. our little Nems!


Comment away.. you know you wanna!
Leave me a banana while you are at it!
A banana a day makes you ready to play!

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To see Emma's full instagram feed - (coz you know she takes some awesome pics too.. and some even feature me.. so I have to share those!)