Sooo.. it seems my dear bunnie killing friend Georg is out doing me in the blogging department so I figured I better up my game, seeing as it has been nearly a week since my last anything.. and while I am at it.. tease her with some delish Lemon Meringue Pie! Coz I am that kind of friend! lol
Like I said it has been nearly a week since I woke up with the coolest hair ever and decided that was my blog.. lately I have not had such cool hair in the mornings.. which is a little disappointing.. for not only me.. but I know for you also.
The week went by without so much as a flutter.. did I tell you at some stage a while back we had a butterfly in our room and Emma saved it? and by saved I mean she put it in a glass with a piece of paper covering the opening and chucked it out the window.. and then I proceeded to watch it flutter down to the ground in the most uncontrolled of fashions. I am sure it would of come right before hitting the ground.. it just needed to get it's bearings and noone was in the control center to give them right away. Highly amusing it was.
Anyways back to the week just gone.. well shit actually how about we just start with yesterday.. yesterday being Friday.. pretty average day I must say.. but I was a little naughty.. not really naughty as such.. I just hate my neighbours so much that I like to try and stuff them up any which way I can.. Ok so the story goes like this...
I am doing my washing, you have to book time to do washing and to book it you have to put your 'lock' into the time slot.. so for Friday there was ME 7-10am, then an empty slot 10-1, then my fucktard neighbours 1-5, then just someone else 5-9. Anyways, so I am doing my washing and my time finishes and I am finished.. I didn;t have much washing anyways which is nice.. I come out to remove my 'lock' to book a time for next friday when I notice that someone has shoved a piece of plasticy rubbish into the next time slot.. I ponder for a moment or two, put two and two together and I do infact get four.. so I pull out the rubbish and very happily insert my 'lock' into the following time slot and then proceed to take the key and all my completed washing upstairs with me. Just as I get half way up the first set of stairs past the fucktard neighbour, they come out with their washing and proceed to make their way downstairs to get started.. I let out a loud little chuckle.. coz I want them to hear it.. yes I hate them this much and it made me so very happy that I did infact get four in my additions! I so rock! For the next 3 hours I did wonder if they would have the balls to come and say something.. but really there was nothing that they could say.. because the fact of the matter is.. you can't book two slots in one go, and to book a slot you are to use the provided 'lock' and a plasticy bit of rubbish is not a 'lock'. I really do hate them. I really really do. Petty? maybe.. Satisfied? Hell yes! Small win for this flightless bird.
Ummm.. last night we headed off to the movies to see District 9 and I must say I did enjoy it from start to finish.. even if the alien speak was subtitled in swedish.. I do forget about that.. luckily I know enough to get by and the bits that I get stuck with.. Emma is there to be the superhero.. even tho she is more of a She-Ra than a caped crusader! haha However it did make me feel a little queazy with all the splatter but that was made up for when he threw a pig.. I was like.. did I seriously just see him throw a pig? hahaha ace!
Today Nemo was a little under the weather, not overly sure what was wrong with him but after a big snooze he seems to be feeling a little better.. I guess being 10 is getting the old fella down.
Wikus Van Drwee Me: Get your fokkin' tentacle out of my face!
Duuude, that pie looks AMAZING!! Send it NOW!! I have indeed been whipping yo a$$ in the blogging stakes, so it's about time you started revealing your intimate most details online a bit more regularly....lol! 20 months to go.... ;)
ReplyDeleteIf I sent it.. I doubt it would arrive as a pie.. let alone be ok to eat lol
ReplyDeletewoohooooo 20 months until... snails! hahaha
Yeah Emma...hear that? Snails!!
ReplyDeleteStill planning on pinning you down and force feeding them to you one by one! :P
ReplyDeleteI will sit back with popcorn and watch the struggles begin!
Do I need to dust of my steel capped boots?
ReplyDeletePfft! Mike knows karate and I'm sure Jo and I have a size advantage over you! :P
ReplyDeleteYou own steel capped boots?
ReplyDeleteYou bogan you!
Hey I will just be eating popcorn.. I know better than to take on Emma Bo Bemma!
ReplyDeleteaka She-Ra
ReplyDeleteSadly (for you lot) I believe it would be against the karate rules to fight in public against an unwilling opponent :-P
ReplyDeleteSo does that mean I shouldn't bother bringing popcorn?