Tuesday, 19 August 2008

& my head is where?

..where the frick was my head at yesterday when I was taking the trash down.

It went a little something like this..
I round up the trash and get it all organised.. it is several different things that I need to take down and put in the correct bins.. once it is all organised I line it up by the door and proceed to unlock the door and take the chain off etc and then I walk out the door.. down the stairs.. all of the stairs.. I open the door.. still none the wiser that I was missing anything.. I'm now outside and walking towards the bins.. I get about half way.. now the bins are about a 30sec walk from the main entrance door.. so yeah I'm about half way from the bins and I realise that I don't have ANY of the trash with me at all! Not a single tiny speck of trash with me.. so I have to turn around and go all the way up all the flights of stairs to get it and then make the journey back! I guess I'm lucky that Nemo was sleeping on the bed coz no doubt he would have had his nose in there having a nosy.. afterall it is what he does best.. or well that and growling.

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