Saturday, 9 August 2008

Ee Ee & the Alarm!

Once upon a time there was a girl named Ee Ee.. and she was doing the great sisterly thing of driving her drunken brother home after a night out. Ee Ee was however tired so decided that she would go to bed and sleep for a few hours until it was time to go. To make sure that she got up on time Ee Ee decided to set the alarm.. and set it she sure did.

Ee Ee nodded off to sleep and her wonderfully girlfriend was in bed beside her playing on the PDA until she decided that she should maybe get some shut eye too. Around say 10:45pm this happened and the alarm was due to go off at 1:20am.. a couple of hours was all that was needed. It took a little bit for the wonderful girfriend to nod off and then the alarm went off.

They both laid in bed for a little bit before getting up and getting dressed and deciding what to have a munch on. Ee Ee went into the bathroom to put her eyes in and the wonderful girlfriend went and grabbed her phone to stick in her pocket.. which is where she noticed the time on her phone was wrong.. it was saying 11:28pm.. so she yelled out to Ee Ee and asked what the time was but she didn't know so off the gf went and turned the light on in the kitchen to discover that the time in there said only 11:30pm too.

Ee Ee was informed of this and a lot of laughing took place as Ee Ee took her eyes back out while the wonderful girlfriend went and sorted out the alarm clock.. which Ee Ee had very skillfully managed to set the actual time two hours ahead of what it actually was.. the alarm time was correct though! Now that takes great skill to do and not notice.. don't you think?

Then they went and jumped back into bed.. laughing some more until they eventually nodded back off to snoozeville before being woken up by the alarm at the correct time. The End!

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