Sunday, 24 August 2008
One Tough Cookie!
What a piss poor week it has been.
Nothing overly exciting happened.
I guess you could say the weather was miserable and so was I.
Nemo was a little bastard.. as expected really.
All in all I really didn't enjoy the week.
However on Friday night Emma and I headed off into Malmö to the festival and watched familjen play.. they were umm.. interesting and the facials that the dude was doing were not the greatest.. but I was in good spirits after drinking a few glasses of the whiskey spirit lol. Now that always makes things more bearable. All in all it wasn't too bad and Emma and I headed off before the train was too packed and noisy which was nice.. but the train ride seemed to take for-freaking-ever! Once we got home I was a tad on the hungry side.. mainly from not having dinner so I opted to eat the so called soft pretzels that I made that day.. I followed the recipe when really I should have known better.. coz as I was reading it I was thinking that it should be done differently but I thought.. first time with the recipe I should follow it.. but they didn't turn out how I would have liked.. but they still tasted good and that is the main thing.. and it came in handy when we got home to have something to munch on. I discovered I am not so good at making good pretzel shapes however.. but that wont stop me.. I shall make them again.. using a different recipe that is or maybe using the same one but tweaked to how I think it should be.. coz really I would know.. coz I am awesome! I know I am and thats all that matters. haha.
Saturday we decided to head back into Malmö.. coz well.. our tickets were still valid so hey why not if it aint gonna cost anything. We shopped around and the rain got heavier and heavier.. it was so wet and just horrible.. but we were shopping not that I actually found anything so fan-tab-u-less I wanted to buy it.. but we were out and about and thats all that matters and I got to have a small packet of salt & vinegar chips and not to mention a warmish mocha latte.. I don't quite understand why they can't make their hot drinks hot? you know just so that the customers don't have to drink it in all of 5mins otherwise its a cold hot drink and that my friends is totally not cool. We were going to have Pizza Hut pizza for lunch but they didn't take card.. bastards! we ended up going home without having lunch so we had pizza for dinner.. which was a mistake that has made us decide to never eat pizza again unless its homemade or Pizza Hut pizza coz not only did I not actually get what I ordered and it was too wet and we were too tired to go back and complain but it was just simply not very nice and gave me a guts ache all night.. and today I am not feeling much betterer. I make much yummier pizza anyways so I shall just stick to that.
Today is a day of wet nastyness outside so we stay inside as much as possible and it seems I have the sniffles and sneezes today.. prolly from being out in the wet weather.. just as well I am one tough cookie.
Nothing overly exciting happened.
I guess you could say the weather was miserable and so was I.
Nemo was a little bastard.. as expected really.
All in all I really didn't enjoy the week.
However on Friday night Emma and I headed off into Malmö to the festival and watched familjen play.. they were umm.. interesting and the facials that the dude was doing were not the greatest.. but I was in good spirits after drinking a few glasses of the whiskey spirit lol. Now that always makes things more bearable. All in all it wasn't too bad and Emma and I headed off before the train was too packed and noisy which was nice.. but the train ride seemed to take for-freaking-ever! Once we got home I was a tad on the hungry side.. mainly from not having dinner so I opted to eat the so called soft pretzels that I made that day.. I followed the recipe when really I should have known better.. coz as I was reading it I was thinking that it should be done differently but I thought.. first time with the recipe I should follow it.. but they didn't turn out how I would have liked.. but they still tasted good and that is the main thing.. and it came in handy when we got home to have something to munch on. I discovered I am not so good at making good pretzel shapes however.. but that wont stop me.. I shall make them again.. using a different recipe that is or maybe using the same one but tweaked to how I think it should be.. coz really I would know.. coz I am awesome! I know I am and thats all that matters. haha.
Saturday we decided to head back into Malmö.. coz well.. our tickets were still valid so hey why not if it aint gonna cost anything. We shopped around and the rain got heavier and heavier.. it was so wet and just horrible.. but we were shopping not that I actually found anything so fan-tab-u-less I wanted to buy it.. but we were out and about and thats all that matters and I got to have a small packet of salt & vinegar chips and not to mention a warmish mocha latte.. I don't quite understand why they can't make their hot drinks hot? you know just so that the customers don't have to drink it in all of 5mins otherwise its a cold hot drink and that my friends is totally not cool. We were going to have Pizza Hut pizza for lunch but they didn't take card.. bastards! we ended up going home without having lunch so we had pizza for dinner.. which was a mistake that has made us decide to never eat pizza again unless its homemade or Pizza Hut pizza coz not only did I not actually get what I ordered and it was too wet and we were too tired to go back and complain but it was just simply not very nice and gave me a guts ache all night.. and today I am not feeling much betterer. I make much yummier pizza anyways so I shall just stick to that.
Today is a day of wet nastyness outside so we stay inside as much as possible and it seems I have the sniffles and sneezes today.. prolly from being out in the wet weather.. just as well I am one tough cookie.
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
& my head is where?
It went a little something like this..
I round up the trash and get it all organised.. it is several different things that I need to take down and put in the correct bins.. once it is all organised I line it up by the door and proceed to unlock the door and take the chain off etc and then I walk out the door.. down the stairs.. all of the stairs.. I open the door.. still none the wiser that I was missing anything.. I'm now outside and walking towards the bins.. I get about half way.. now the bins are about a 30sec walk from the main entrance door.. so yeah I'm about half way from the bins and I realise that I don't have ANY of the trash with me at all! Not a single tiny speck of trash with me.. so I have to turn around and go all the way up all the flights of stairs to get it and then make the journey back! I guess I'm lucky that Nemo was sleeping on the bed coz no doubt he would have had his nose in there having a nosy.. afterall it is what he does best.. or well that and growling.
..where the frick was my head at yesterday when I was taking the trash down.
It went a little something like this..
I round up the trash and get it all organised.. it is several different things that I need to take down and put in the correct bins.. once it is all organised I line it up by the door and proceed to unlock the door and take the chain off etc and then I walk out the door.. down the stairs.. all of the stairs.. I open the door.. still none the wiser that I was missing anything.. I'm now outside and walking towards the bins.. I get about half way.. now the bins are about a 30sec walk from the main entrance door.. so yeah I'm about half way from the bins and I realise that I don't have ANY of the trash with me at all! Not a single tiny speck of trash with me.. so I have to turn around and go all the way up all the flights of stairs to get it and then make the journey back! I guess I'm lucky that Nemo was sleeping on the bed coz no doubt he would have had his nose in there having a nosy.. afterall it is what he does best.. or well that and growling.
Monday, 18 August 2008
& poop butterflies!
Its Monday.
Emma has finished her time off and its back to the usual grind.
Nemo was a little prick to walk this morning.. he has got away with too much for too long.. so I guess I will have to be tough on him for a few days until he just toes the line!
Nemo seems a little lost without Emma today.. poor fella.
I felt like I was losing the battle with the exercise bike today.. it has been 3 weeks since my tush last sat upon its seat.. totally not cool. I do hope tomorrow will go much betterer and by the end of the week I hope to not have a sore ass from it. That will teach me for being a lazy bitch while Emma was home.
Last week was a week of not so great weather and nothingness.
We did however go and check out the festival in Malmö and well it was crowded and not that exciting.. I ate a crayfish wrap which wasn't that great and then we stood in line forever for mini donuts which weren't that great.. I of course ate way too many but thats what you do with donuts.. right? We saw Billie the vision & the dancers.. it was pretty good.. people pushing and shoving and as it also turned out.. farting.. which was the just deserts for the girls who came and stood infront of me half way thru.. rather them than me thats for sure!
I ate some HUGE cashews!!
The week in general was kinda relaxing.. which was nice to not have to actually do anything.
STILL don't have the camera back from being cleaned.. we are now in the 6th week.. and when it was dropped off they said 2 weeks!! Shocking right? Hopefully it wont be another 6 weeks.
6 weeks until we go to Boston.. which is kinda exciting but still so far away!
It was nice to see the kiwis getting a few medals in the olympics. GO KIWIS!
Roast veg for dinner tonight.. so yum!
The End!
Katie: In my world everyone is a pony, & they all eat rainbows, & poop butterflies.
Emma has finished her time off and its back to the usual grind.
Nemo was a little prick to walk this morning.. he has got away with too much for too long.. so I guess I will have to be tough on him for a few days until he just toes the line!
Nemo seems a little lost without Emma today.. poor fella.
I felt like I was losing the battle with the exercise bike today.. it has been 3 weeks since my tush last sat upon its seat.. totally not cool. I do hope tomorrow will go much betterer and by the end of the week I hope to not have a sore ass from it. That will teach me for being a lazy bitch while Emma was home.
Last week was a week of not so great weather and nothingness.
We did however go and check out the festival in Malmö and well it was crowded and not that exciting.. I ate a crayfish wrap which wasn't that great and then we stood in line forever for mini donuts which weren't that great.. I of course ate way too many but thats what you do with donuts.. right? We saw Billie the vision & the dancers.. it was pretty good.. people pushing and shoving and as it also turned out.. farting.. which was the just deserts for the girls who came and stood infront of me half way thru.. rather them than me thats for sure!
Watched Horton Hears A Who and it rocked so very very much! If you haven't seen it then you TOTALLY should!! It is really a must see!
Nothing more really to report. A few funny little things happened.I ate some HUGE cashews!!
The week in general was kinda relaxing.. which was nice to not have to actually do anything.
STILL don't have the camera back from being cleaned.. we are now in the 6th week.. and when it was dropped off they said 2 weeks!! Shocking right? Hopefully it wont be another 6 weeks.
6 weeks until we go to Boston.. which is kinda exciting but still so far away!
It was nice to see the kiwis getting a few medals in the olympics. GO KIWIS!
Roast veg for dinner tonight.. so yum!
The End!
Katie: In my world everyone is a pony, & they all eat rainbows, & poop butterflies.
Friday, 15 August 2008
Monday, 11 August 2008
omg.. it was SO nice to go to bed last night and NOT hear the same horrible songs playing over and over and o.v.e.r! The festival has finished.. packed up and moved on! YaY! so now I have a year of just having to deal with the shitty neighbours! I think I could moan for hours and hours on end about those people.. but it would do me no good.. no good at all.. but fuck is it really so hard for a little common courtesy? I guess so.
Umm.. so what have I been doing? Well I made a wonderful Lemon Cheesecake yesterday and so we invited the parentals over to help us devour it.. there is some left to have tonight after dinner.. ooo gooodie! So yeah nothing much has been happening.. I don't remember all that much about yesterday so nothing must be worth repeating and well today has been a little slow.. I have been a little moody.. we went to Kristianstad and picked up a cord to set up the tele in the office so that I am not forced to sit through countless hours of olympic coverage. I also got a new buff.. so now I have 2.. and maybe I will have a few more as I find ones I really like.. then I have a nice selection instead of one.. ahh I think I am going to become a buff addict!
Well today has been slow.. warm but slow and now I must piss off and go and walk Nems.. after dragging Emma out of the office away from the olympics.. I guess I can kiss my gf goodbye for a month! lol So until next time..
Umm.. so what have I been doing? Well I made a wonderful Lemon Cheesecake yesterday and so we invited the parentals over to help us devour it.. there is some left to have tonight after dinner.. ooo gooodie! So yeah nothing much has been happening.. I don't remember all that much about yesterday so nothing must be worth repeating and well today has been a little slow.. I have been a little moody.. we went to Kristianstad and picked up a cord to set up the tele in the office so that I am not forced to sit through countless hours of olympic coverage. I also got a new buff.. so now I have 2.. and maybe I will have a few more as I find ones I really like.. then I have a nice selection instead of one.. ahh I think I am going to become a buff addict!
Well today has been slow.. warm but slow and now I must piss off and go and walk Nems.. after dragging Emma out of the office away from the olympics.. I guess I can kiss my gf goodbye for a month! lol So until next time..
Saturday, 9 August 2008
Copenhagen Zoo
Off to Copenhagen Zoo we did toddle.. the weather forecast was for 1mm of rain so Emma and I thought we could brave that and have a good day at the Zoo.. and a good day we sure did have!
We arrive in Copenhagen and have a little trouble finding where the bus from the train station to the zoo leaves from.. we find it.. or what we thougth was it.. but it turned out it was going the other way.. so we jump off after a couple of stops and wait for the bus to come from the other way and get on that and make our way to the Zoo. We make it in one piece.
We get our tickets and then I look like a total retard coz I don't know how to work their ticket machine thingo.. it scans the barcode and then you just walk through.. I was thinking that it was going to suck my ticket up and spit it out.. but no I was wrong.. good start!
In we go and start to make our way around looking at the animals.. I could sit here and describe it all.. but I wont.. my highlight of all of the animals would have to be.. the Polar Bears! When we arrive at them the boy is entertaining everyone by jumping up at the wall.. it was wicked cute. I just wanted to reach over and pat him.. but of course that would be a bad idea coz he just actually wants to eat you! He was awesome.. we took many many pics.. if you want to see them then just click here and you shall see!
After a good few hours we had managed to do the main part of the zoo and it was lunch time.. but it looked like it would take forever to get foodage there so we just got an ice cream to tie us over until we finished up. Which brings me to people who were walking around with popcorn.. at the zoo.. isn't that weird? well I think it is.. but I think the weirdest thing for me is the fact that they sell beer.. at the zoo.. and before midday! I saw people with kidlets drinking beer! Shocking I must say! for me anyways.. coz why would you go to the zoo to drink beer?
Anyways.. moving along from that we headed over to the other side of the park and started to check it out.. when the rain started.. and boy did it come on down! and then the thunder and lightening kicked in.. we took shelter in a little display and tried to wait it out as much as we could before getting too impatient.. and we all know I am not the most patient person. through the not so heavy bouts of rain we managed to make our way back over to the Polar Bears to watch them eat a snack of some kind of meat.. it was so cute how they use their paws and made it so worth while standing there in the pissing rain in a plastic poncho and it was a nice way to finish up our time at the zoo.
Afterwards we headed off on the hunt to try and find some hard lollies that are so very yummy.. but sadly we were unable to find them but we did manage to buy some boysenberry jam so it wasn't a complete loss.. its not the same as the boyseneberry jam I am used to but it does the trick.. once we got home I had boysenberry jam on toast for dinner.. mmmm tasty! Just what the doctor ordered! Especially after what felt like a lifetime on the train getting home.. I was starting to think that we would never make it home.. but we did and luckily we only live a 5min walk from the station. Home sweet home!
Another wonderful fun filled day with lots of laughs and rain and just fun in general.. I wish Emma could be on holidays ALL the time! But then this should tie me over until we go to Boston.. which I know is going to be an awesome trip.. how could it not? Things just turn into pure fun with Emma and I.. especially when it seems we have an endless supply of laughing gas.. which it seems we do these days.. good times.. good times!
We arrive in Copenhagen and have a little trouble finding where the bus from the train station to the zoo leaves from.. we find it.. or what we thougth was it.. but it turned out it was going the other way.. so we jump off after a couple of stops and wait for the bus to come from the other way and get on that and make our way to the Zoo. We make it in one piece.
We get our tickets and then I look like a total retard coz I don't know how to work their ticket machine thingo.. it scans the barcode and then you just walk through.. I was thinking that it was going to suck my ticket up and spit it out.. but no I was wrong.. good start!
In we go and start to make our way around looking at the animals.. I could sit here and describe it all.. but I wont.. my highlight of all of the animals would have to be.. the Polar Bears! When we arrive at them the boy is entertaining everyone by jumping up at the wall.. it was wicked cute. I just wanted to reach over and pat him.. but of course that would be a bad idea coz he just actually wants to eat you! He was awesome.. we took many many pics.. if you want to see them then just click here and you shall see!
After a good few hours we had managed to do the main part of the zoo and it was lunch time.. but it looked like it would take forever to get foodage there so we just got an ice cream to tie us over until we finished up. Which brings me to people who were walking around with popcorn.. at the zoo.. isn't that weird? well I think it is.. but I think the weirdest thing for me is the fact that they sell beer.. at the zoo.. and before midday! I saw people with kidlets drinking beer! Shocking I must say! for me anyways.. coz why would you go to the zoo to drink beer?
Anyways.. moving along from that we headed over to the other side of the park and started to check it out.. when the rain started.. and boy did it come on down! and then the thunder and lightening kicked in.. we took shelter in a little display and tried to wait it out as much as we could before getting too impatient.. and we all know I am not the most patient person. through the not so heavy bouts of rain we managed to make our way back over to the Polar Bears to watch them eat a snack of some kind of meat.. it was so cute how they use their paws and made it so worth while standing there in the pissing rain in a plastic poncho and it was a nice way to finish up our time at the zoo.
Afterwards we headed off on the hunt to try and find some hard lollies that are so very yummy.. but sadly we were unable to find them but we did manage to buy some boysenberry jam so it wasn't a complete loss.. its not the same as the boyseneberry jam I am used to but it does the trick.. once we got home I had boysenberry jam on toast for dinner.. mmmm tasty! Just what the doctor ordered! Especially after what felt like a lifetime on the train getting home.. I was starting to think that we would never make it home.. but we did and luckily we only live a 5min walk from the station. Home sweet home!
Another wonderful fun filled day with lots of laughs and rain and just fun in general.. I wish Emma could be on holidays ALL the time! But then this should tie me over until we go to Boston.. which I know is going to be an awesome trip.. how could it not? Things just turn into pure fun with Emma and I.. especially when it seems we have an endless supply of laughing gas.. which it seems we do these days.. good times.. good times!
Ee Ee & the Alarm!
Once upon a time there was a girl named Ee Ee.. and she was doing the great sisterly thing of driving her drunken brother home after a night out. Ee Ee was however tired so decided that she would go to bed and sleep for a few hours until it was time to go. To make sure that she got up on time Ee Ee decided to set the alarm.. and set it she sure did.
Ee Ee nodded off to sleep and her wonderfully girlfriend was in bed beside her playing on the PDA until she decided that she should maybe get some shut eye too. Around say 10:45pm this happened and the alarm was due to go off at 1:20am.. a couple of hours was all that was needed. It took a little bit for the wonderful girfriend to nod off and then the alarm went off.
They both laid in bed for a little bit before getting up and getting dressed and deciding what to have a munch on. Ee Ee went into the bathroom to put her eyes in and the wonderful girlfriend went and grabbed her phone to stick in her pocket.. which is where she noticed the time on her phone was wrong.. it was saying 11:28pm.. so she yelled out to Ee Ee and asked what the time was but she didn't know so off the gf went and turned the light on in the kitchen to discover that the time in there said only 11:30pm too.
Ee Ee was informed of this and a lot of laughing took place as Ee Ee took her eyes back out while the wonderful girlfriend went and sorted out the alarm clock.. which Ee Ee had very skillfully managed to set the actual time two hours ahead of what it actually was.. the alarm time was correct though! Now that takes great skill to do and not notice.. don't you think?
Then they went and jumped back into bed.. laughing some more until they eventually nodded back off to snoozeville before being woken up by the alarm at the correct time. The End!
Ee Ee nodded off to sleep and her wonderfully girlfriend was in bed beside her playing on the PDA until she decided that she should maybe get some shut eye too. Around say 10:45pm this happened and the alarm was due to go off at 1:20am.. a couple of hours was all that was needed. It took a little bit for the wonderful girfriend to nod off and then the alarm went off.
They both laid in bed for a little bit before getting up and getting dressed and deciding what to have a munch on. Ee Ee went into the bathroom to put her eyes in and the wonderful girlfriend went and grabbed her phone to stick in her pocket.. which is where she noticed the time on her phone was wrong.. it was saying 11:28pm.. so she yelled out to Ee Ee and asked what the time was but she didn't know so off the gf went and turned the light on in the kitchen to discover that the time in there said only 11:30pm too.
Ee Ee was informed of this and a lot of laughing took place as Ee Ee took her eyes back out while the wonderful girlfriend went and sorted out the alarm clock.. which Ee Ee had very skillfully managed to set the actual time two hours ahead of what it actually was.. the alarm time was correct though! Now that takes great skill to do and not notice.. don't you think?
Then they went and jumped back into bed.. laughing some more until they eventually nodded back off to snoozeville before being woken up by the alarm at the correct time. The End!
Once again I have been ever so slack in the blog department and I blame Emma for tying up my time! Having me running around doing all sorts of fun things!
We went to Kullaberg (click here for a few pics) and had an awesome time.. Nemo however is a total pain in the ass.. as soon as he sees water all he wants to do is swim swim swim.. but he couldn't! Anyways we headed off there nice and early and went for a walk around.. looked at the wonderful view.. got lied to by the phone company coz they said I was in Denmark! We went for a bit of a hike and there were some steep bits and rather confusing bits too.. its so hard to try and spot the painted dots to know where you have to go.. we got semi lost but not really.. we came out on a golf course at one point so had to turn around and go back coz that clearly wasn't the way to go.
They must have had some laughing gas released coz Emma and I laughed so very much.. especially when she stepped in cow shit! It was just so classic how it happened.. she stood in it so bad that it got on her pants and then she was walking around that area and nearly standing in even more shit.. classic! I needed to pee and all the laughing did not help that situation one little bit.
Walking through the cows was a fun fun time too.. they didn't seem to give a toss that we were there and we got to get pretty close to them.. I would have liked to have given them a pat but I think then they might have given a toss that we were there lol There was one that looked so cool sitting there.. striking a pose it was. Cows are cool.. its that simple. Nemo was reasonably well behaved walking through the cows which was nice.. but all in all he was a little bundle of excitement due to seeing loads of water and wanting to swim swim swim.
After we finished up there we headed off to Ängelholm.. coz well its where Emma would go as a little lass in the summer.. but sadly dogs weren't allowed on the beach so we couldn't go for a walk.. which of course made Nemo very sad and he cried. We drove around and came across alot of deadends and had to turn around and go the other way.. its always fun when that happens.
The weather was very nice and the day was very long.. and we headed home feeling very content from the day and a little tired. The evening was full of nothingness.. just the way I like it!
Nemo has been rather spoilt with all the trips in the car and walks and stuffs.. and now he has taken to pissing inside if he gets left home.. which is totally not cool.. what will we do with him? What will we do?
We went to Kullaberg (click here for a few pics) and had an awesome time.. Nemo however is a total pain in the ass.. as soon as he sees water all he wants to do is swim swim swim.. but he couldn't! Anyways we headed off there nice and early and went for a walk around.. looked at the wonderful view.. got lied to by the phone company coz they said I was in Denmark! We went for a bit of a hike and there were some steep bits and rather confusing bits too.. its so hard to try and spot the painted dots to know where you have to go.. we got semi lost but not really.. we came out on a golf course at one point so had to turn around and go back coz that clearly wasn't the way to go.
They must have had some laughing gas released coz Emma and I laughed so very much.. especially when she stepped in cow shit! It was just so classic how it happened.. she stood in it so bad that it got on her pants and then she was walking around that area and nearly standing in even more shit.. classic! I needed to pee and all the laughing did not help that situation one little bit.
Walking through the cows was a fun fun time too.. they didn't seem to give a toss that we were there and we got to get pretty close to them.. I would have liked to have given them a pat but I think then they might have given a toss that we were there lol There was one that looked so cool sitting there.. striking a pose it was. Cows are cool.. its that simple. Nemo was reasonably well behaved walking through the cows which was nice.. but all in all he was a little bundle of excitement due to seeing loads of water and wanting to swim swim swim.
After we finished up there we headed off to Ängelholm.. coz well its where Emma would go as a little lass in the summer.. but sadly dogs weren't allowed on the beach so we couldn't go for a walk.. which of course made Nemo very sad and he cried. We drove around and came across alot of deadends and had to turn around and go the other way.. its always fun when that happens.
The weather was very nice and the day was very long.. and we headed home feeling very content from the day and a little tired. The evening was full of nothingness.. just the way I like it!
Nemo has been rather spoilt with all the trips in the car and walks and stuffs.. and now he has taken to pissing inside if he gets left home.. which is totally not cool.. what will we do with him? What will we do?
Sunday, 3 August 2008
The falls!
Where do I begin? Umm well yesterday Emma and I headed off to take a looksie at the waterfalls.. it was really nice.. I enjoyed walking in the bushy bits, even with all the frogs.. there were so many.. you had to watch your step coz otherwise you might stand on them.. which I prolly did anyways. It was a nice morning.. apart from the really step inclines!! It was a little hard to walk and I was totally in the wrong pants.. they had trouble staying up and I kept getting them caught on the shit sticking out of the ground.. we got a little lost but not.. a little wet too coz it rained.. but all in all it was fun.
Afterwards we headed off to take a ride on an old steam train only to find out once we arrived that there were going to be no services for the day coz it had been booked out for a wedding reception.. seriously how hard would it have been for them to stick something up on the website to inform people.. we weren't the only ones to show up to only be disappointed too.. so after having a little look around we left.. a little broken hearted lol
We came home and had maccas.. which was yet again not very nice and way too expensive.. $20 for two meals is a bit much for maccas don't ya think? Just as well we want to go there too often coz otherwise it would get wicked expensive.. and well I can think of better things to spend money on. Anyways the rest of the day we just relaxed at home and watched a few shows and did nothing.. it was rather nice.. it was meant to rain all day but it didn't and it was all hot and sticky yet again.. I know I shouldn't complain about the heat but the other day after sitting on a chair for a few hours it felt like I had wet my pants! It did not feel nice at all! At least I had made a wonderful Lemon Meringue Pie.. so that made it all worth while!
Umm lets see what else have we been doing.. well we went to IKEA.. which was a little sad.. we didn't really find anything.. I want to buy something but I just don't know what and nothing jumps out at me and says "buy me!"
The weather has been pretty amazing.. this summer is turning out to be as hot as my first summer here.. last summer was a shocker.. more rain and gloomyness than sunshine and happiness.. but this summer is full of sunshine and stickyness! lol
I got my hair cut.. coz A.. it was too long and getting too unhealthy and B... it is too hot to have long hair! I have to say I have been spoilt by Trace over the years with her doing my hair.. coz now for the past 5 years since I left NZ I have never been back to the same hairdresser twice and have never actually been happy with my cut. This time around was no different.. the woman was rough and got water in my eye, ear and down my back and couldn't give a decent head massage if her life depended on it and then she had this bad habit of not actually listening to what you want.. and it didn't seem to matter if you told her in English or Swedish. At least it doesn't look so bad that I can't leave the house, I do however now own a buff to hide it when needed.. coz I have curly boofy hair and the last thing I want to do is have to get up and shower every morning before taking Nemo out.. coz otherwise we might have another accident where Nemo pisses inside.. but I would just love to have Trace do my hair again.. if only NZ wasn't so dang far away! Why can't getting a haircut be easy? Shouldn't it be an easy relaxing time?
And on that note I shall leave you with a pic of a grasshopper which was saw on the walk home after dropping off the car yesterday.. it was pretty cool..
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To see my full instagram feed - http://instagram.com/jocrumbs
To see Emma's full instagram feed - http://instagram.com/subspeaker (coz you know she takes some awesome pics too.. and some even feature me.. so I have to share those!)
To see Emma's full instagram feed - http://instagram.com/subspeaker (coz you know she takes some awesome pics too.. and some even feature me.. so I have to share those!)