Wednesday, 4 August 2010


We did it!

Thursday night the first coat went on.. and I was over it! But of course.. more needed to be done..
Friday we did coat after coat until we were happy with the result.
I was a white spotted queen! I must admit tho.. all the white paint made me look so tanned! Sadly I had to wash it off and go back to my pale self. Which reminds me that I blinded Emma with the whiteness of my belly last night.. highly amusing.
Friday was a mighty long day but we managed to get it all done and then Saturday was the day of putting things back together.. which was even less fun than the painting.

Anyways.. here are the before and after shots.
Before (blue sitting room & green hall)


  1. What a difference a coat of paint makes! Looking great - really brightens the room (Nemo thinks so too!).

  2. Emma (can't be bothered signing in)4 August 2010 at 12:23

    It looks heaps better in daylight.

  3. The room or mah belly?

  4. Emma (still can't be bothered)4 August 2010 at 12:33

    *shakes head*

  5. If your belly's anything like mine, it should never be viewed in daylight - the effect is blinding! Bahahaha!!


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