Tuesday, 10 August 2010


So yesterday it was grey, gloomy and all together spooky.. ok not spooky but rainy. Sometimes I like the rain and other times I do not.. mainly when I have to walk Nemo is when I really don't like the rain.. hate wet dog smell. HATE!

Yesterday I was quite the moody one.. with my butt cheek back to its old tingly ways! Another thing I got from that wonderful Germany trip I might add. My eye and head were in constant pain.. started getting rather bad on Sunday and wasn't much better yesterday but today seems a little more in control. Which is something. Actually, today is a much betterer day all around so hopefully I will also be more on my game.. and less of a mess. Oh who am I kidding! I am always a mess.. especially my hair! Which I guess is my charm.. right?

I also noticed yesterday the trucks and stuff starting to arrive for the yearly "Are You Ready" noisefest! Good times! What it does mean tho.. is... *drum role* ... LANGOS! and then prolly a belly ache, coz that is the usual order of things lol All worth it tho! All worth it!

Damn now I want langos for breakfast! hahahah

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Comment away.. you know you wanna!
Leave me a banana while you are at it!
A banana a day makes you ready to play!

These aren't the words you're looking for.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56_S0WeTkzs
To see my full instagram feed - http://instagram.com/jocrumbs
To see Emma's full instagram feed - http://instagram.com/subspeaker (coz you know she takes some awesome pics too.. and some even feature me.. so I have to share those!)