Which now leads me to the other problem I am having.. you see sick of not being able to wear the american socks and the old socks are well old and past their used by dates.. I opted to just go and buy some sports socks.. thinking that they will be a little thicker which would nice in these colder times.. and boy was I disappointed.. coz not only were they not even close to thick and warm.. they were uncomfy as all shyte and it seems each and every single pair has screwy toes.. and thats like one of the most important things to get right in socks.. so now I have even more socks that are stupid and quite frankly I am pretty annoyed about it. P-R-E-T-T-Y annoyed!!
Now however I just have to grin and bare it and wear socks that I don't find comfortable because it seems stupid to waste even more money on socks that are shit. Really how hard is it to make decent socks that dont cost like $20-40 a pair? coz that is just crazy money to be spending on a single pair of socks!! and I love socks.. seriously.. I always have.. they make me happy.. or well they used to that is.. until the world started making shit stupid crap asshat socks!!
On a much happier note tho.. the photo's arrived!! I guess my bitching made it happen lol On a much funnier note tho.. Emma and I saw this very strange mannequin angel in a window display.. where I come from the wings go the other way yes?

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