Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Cat or Dog?
So tell me.. is he a cat or is he a dog?
I am finding it so hard to tell these days!!
I am finding it so hard to tell these days!!
And while we are doing photo's here is another one..
if you click this linkage that is! --->>click me!!
I do believe that the ducks have taken up a new hobby of.... ice-skating!!So today it rained.. but at least we have hit the plus degrees and I was able to get the organic container in from the balcony.. you see it has been that cold that it has been stuck to the balcony cement block and with it being below zero for the past week or so it has been impossible to get it up.. but now its up.. and has been cleaned and the huge block of ice that was in it is now defrosting in the kitchen sink.. ahhhhh yes the joys!
Another thing about the below zero temps is that it has caused havoc with my eye/head and the other day was the worst it had been in a very long time.. I can see why it has been nicnamed the suicide headache.. thats for sure.. but now its slightly warmer so hopefully I will just go back to having the usual pain.. one can hope! I'm not overly impressed with the rain tho.. maybe it wont last long? or is that just totally wishful thinking?
What I do know is that I need to buy some decent shoes for walking in wet weather.. my guess is that is going to be another one of those impossible tasks for me.. but dang nabbit I have every right to be fussy and fuzzy if I so close to be fuzzy.. but right now I'm talking about fussy so yeah I have every right to be fussy when it is good money people spent on things.. why should I pay for something that I don't like? Actually that seems to be the case that I always end up paying for something I don't like coz there is nothing that I do like and I HAVE to actually get something.. like my phone.. I needed a new mobile and there was not a single one available or even coming out in the near future that was even close to what I wanted.. so I went with a Nokia and the deciding factor was the colour of it.. and when I get it.. you know what? It wasn't even close to being the colour that they have on the freaken website! Talk about feeling ripped off. Is everything lies these days?
Samual Goldwyn - "I'm willing to admit that I may not always be right, but I am never wrong."
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Story time...
Once upon a time there was a alien superman powered vampire named Vo-El, who was out braving the cold walking her trusty sidetick Nem-El! While they were out in the below 0 temperatures, which of course would do nothing for Vo-El as she is o so powerful and no blooded.. but anyways they were out enjoying the glory it is to just walk around and mind ones own business when a car comes up behind them and a woman lowers her electric powered window and asks rather loudly in swedish if one knows where the station is.. to which Vo-El was only able to reply.. "Ok.. I don't speak swedish but..." before...
Vo-El simply gave her the big finger and said "fuck you then" and continued on the glorious walk with Nem-El.
For the record Vo-El was in fact going to give the lady directions of 'if you turn around and follow this road then you will come across the station'.. but no the lady just had to freak out.. but really was there a need to put your foot hard to the floor and speed off like Vo-El was some kind of crazed freak? It really makes you wonder what this world is coming to when people act like that.
Vo-El actually got stopped again by someone wanting to ask for directions and it went a little something like this...
Dude in car - "Excuse me" but in swedish.
Vo-El - "ok I can't reply in swedish but I might still be able to help" (as you see Vo-El thought at least this way if they still wanted to ask the question in swedish that would be ok and it is informing them that english is what Vo-El speaks)
Dude in car - "no. it is ok" and off he drove.
I guess there just is no helping some people.. maybe Vo-El should just stick to "Sorry I'm not from here" coz it would sure get the same reactions.
off she goes with so much power that it felt like she thought that Vo-El was going to reach into the car and murder her with the english language!!Vo-El simply gave her the big finger and said "fuck you then" and continued on the glorious walk with Nem-El.
For the record Vo-El was in fact going to give the lady directions of 'if you turn around and follow this road then you will come across the station'.. but no the lady just had to freak out.. but really was there a need to put your foot hard to the floor and speed off like Vo-El was some kind of crazed freak? It really makes you wonder what this world is coming to when people act like that.
Vo-El actually got stopped again by someone wanting to ask for directions and it went a little something like this...
Dude in car - "Excuse me" but in swedish.
Vo-El - "ok I can't reply in swedish but I might still be able to help" (as you see Vo-El thought at least this way if they still wanted to ask the question in swedish that would be ok and it is informing them that english is what Vo-El speaks)
Dude in car - "no. it is ok" and off he drove.
I guess there just is no helping some people.. maybe Vo-El should just stick to "Sorry I'm not from here" coz it would sure get the same reactions.
Humans are complex creatures.
Saturday, 22 November 2008
So it snowed just a little today.. like such a little amount that you could basically blink and miss it! lol but it was snow!! *nods* I does like the snow! Maybe not so m uch the cold that comes with it.. but hey you can't win everything and it seems I totally just can't win anything! Life aye? Gotta love it!
So I am sitting at home alone on a Saturday night.. bored out of my mind.. I was so bored that I even got down the xmas decorations.. but alas.. it is too early to put them up.. and plus we don't even have a tree! So now they are down and ready to go.. which is good in a way. Also I figured I may as well sort out the cupboard while I was getting the decorations down.. so now that is in a much less cluttered messy orderer.. it is a more organised clutter indeed. I also figured why stop there and cleaned out the 'everything' drawer.. or well by clean out.. I removed all the paper shit and put it in a plastic bag and put that in another room where I can't see it.. You see Emma likes to keep ALL bits of paper/receipts and I never feel that I can throw it away.. and it just gets put in the 'everything' drawer until I remove them and put them in a plastic bag which.. usually at some very later date.. Emma will come along and either just throw it all out coz its been so long.. or she will actually sit there and go through it.. either way I don't much care coz they don't both involve me having to sift through it! LOL and that my friend.. is a good thing!
So I am sitting at home alone on a Saturday night.. bored out of my mind.. I was so bored that I even got down the xmas decorations.. but alas.. it is too early to put them up.. and plus we don't even have a tree! So now they are down and ready to go.. which is good in a way. Also I figured I may as well sort out the cupboard while I was getting the decorations down.. so now that is in a much less cluttered messy orderer.. it is a more organised clutter indeed. I also figured why stop there and cleaned out the 'everything' drawer.. or well by clean out.. I removed all the paper shit and put it in a plastic bag and put that in another room where I can't see it.. You see Emma likes to keep ALL bits of paper/receipts and I never feel that I can throw it away.. and it just gets put in the 'everything' drawer until I remove them and put them in a plastic bag which.. usually at some very later date.. Emma will come along and either just throw it all out coz its been so long.. or she will actually sit there and go through it.. either way I don't much care coz they don't both involve me having to sift through it! LOL and that my friend.. is a good thing!
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Seriously.. I cannot believe how hard it actually is to find decent, comfortable socks at a reasonable price! All the socks that we got in america I myself.. cannot wear in shoes as they all come down past the heal and then I start to get blisters and not to mention it is wicked uncomfortable!! AND I might just mention.. a little on the chilly side too!
Which now leads me to the other problem I am having.. you see sick of not being able to wear the american socks and the old socks are well old and past their used by dates.. I opted to just go and buy some sports socks.. thinking that they will be a little thicker which would nice in these colder times.. and boy was I disappointed.. coz not only were they not even close to thick and warm.. they were uncomfy as all shyte and it seems each and every single pair has screwy toes.. and thats like one of the most important things to get right in socks.. so now I have even more socks that are stupid and quite frankly I am pretty annoyed about it. P-R-E-T-T-Y annoyed!!
Now however I just have to grin and bare it and wear socks that I don't find comfortable because it seems stupid to waste even more money on socks that are shit. Really how hard is it to make decent socks that dont cost like $20-40 a pair? coz that is just crazy money to be spending on a single pair of socks!! and I love socks.. seriously.. I always have.. they make me happy.. or well they used to that is.. until the world started making shit stupid crap asshat socks!!
On a much happier note tho.. the photo's arrived!! I guess my bitching made it happen lol On a much funnier note tho.. Emma and I saw this very strange mannequin angel in a window display.. where I come from the wings go the other way yes?
Which now leads me to the other problem I am having.. you see sick of not being able to wear the american socks and the old socks are well old and past their used by dates.. I opted to just go and buy some sports socks.. thinking that they will be a little thicker which would nice in these colder times.. and boy was I disappointed.. coz not only were they not even close to thick and warm.. they were uncomfy as all shyte and it seems each and every single pair has screwy toes.. and thats like one of the most important things to get right in socks.. so now I have even more socks that are stupid and quite frankly I am pretty annoyed about it. P-R-E-T-T-Y annoyed!!
Now however I just have to grin and bare it and wear socks that I don't find comfortable because it seems stupid to waste even more money on socks that are shit. Really how hard is it to make decent socks that dont cost like $20-40 a pair? coz that is just crazy money to be spending on a single pair of socks!! and I love socks.. seriously.. I always have.. they make me happy.. or well they used to that is.. until the world started making shit stupid crap asshat socks!!
On a much happier note tho.. the photo's arrived!! I guess my bitching made it happen lol On a much funnier note tho.. Emma and I saw this very strange mannequin angel in a window display.. where I come from the wings go the other way yes?

Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Well it seems I have been a very slack little blogger and haven't blogged a single thing in 2 whole weeks! Shocking I am.. yes! Spanked I should be... no! You see the problem is I am feeling very un-inspired.. a few times I have sat here.. with my screen glaring at me.. fingers on the keys and nothing comes.. not even a start.. maybe its the cold weather.. maybe its just me being lazy.. whatever the reason I am now trying to rectify it..
Now let me cast my mind back to what I possibly have been up to this past couple of weeks..
Hmmm *ponders* you know what nothing really stands out other than Emma and I had our first attempt at making Tiramisu and it was actually rather nice indeed.. it was a very good joint effort.. sadly there are no pics for you to see how wonderful it was.. but it really was! We made it for Emma's mums birthday on the Saturday just gone.. along with a lemon cake which was also rather nice.. just incase there wasn't enough to go around.. and also incase the Tiramisu wasn't actually liked lol but they both went down a right treat so all was well in the world.. arrr.. I mean house.. coz at the moment nothing is right in the world!! People are really fucked. Employers are really fucked.. why is that they seem to just simply refuse to fire people who are slack & stupid? That is a topic that I think I could rant on and on and ON about.. but I won't.. coz it's early and I don't want to get myself all agro this early! lol
Things just seem to make me all agro.. it must be the season.. and my total love of xmas.. which seems to come earlier and earlier every darn year! Soon enough it will be time to put up our own decorations and no doubt Emma's mum will once again try to get us to put up xmas curtains.. I totally draw the line there!
Emma and I have nearly completely finished the xmas shopping.. which is always nice.. just a few little things are needed and then we can wipe our hands of it.. the other weekend, Emma spent the evening wrapping pressies while I kicked back with a little bottle of wine.. it was very nice indeed. I am however, waiting on photo's to arrive.. that should have arrived last week so I can actually get started on the scrapbook for my nephews.. looks like I am gonna have to rush it once I do get them.. IF I get them.. which I hope I do otherwise I will be one mad mad kiwi in Sweden! Well I still have 13 days until I have to send the package off.. so it should be AOK! yes?
On Sunday just gone.. Emma and I made another first attempt at ma king Latkes! and they turned out pretty good.. as you can see frpm the pic below... yeah I know you want some of that yummy goodness!
Now let me cast my mind back to what I possibly have been up to this past couple of weeks..
Hmmm *ponders* you know what nothing really stands out other than Emma and I had our first attempt at making Tiramisu and it was actually rather nice indeed.. it was a very good joint effort.. sadly there are no pics for you to see how wonderful it was.. but it really was! We made it for Emma's mums birthday on the Saturday just gone.. along with a lemon cake which was also rather nice.. just incase there wasn't enough to go around.. and also incase the Tiramisu wasn't actually liked lol but they both went down a right treat so all was well in the world.. arrr.. I mean house.. coz at the moment nothing is right in the world!! People are really fucked. Employers are really fucked.. why is that they seem to just simply refuse to fire people who are slack & stupid? That is a topic that I think I could rant on and on and ON about.. but I won't.. coz it's early and I don't want to get myself all agro this early! lol
Things just seem to make me all agro.. it must be the season.. and my total love of xmas.. which seems to come earlier and earlier every darn year! Soon enough it will be time to put up our own decorations and no doubt Emma's mum will once again try to get us to put up xmas curtains.. I totally draw the line there!
_______ <<-see line drawn!
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
black outs by candle light!
October is out and November has well and truly begun.. and it seems to have begun with miserable, gloomy weather and black outs!
First lets start with the weather.. well it is cold and if it was a little bit colder we would actually have snow.. coz there is a mist in the air which means that every time I walk Nems we come home wet.. gross is all I have to say! I don't mind walking Nemo.. I just don't like walking him when he can get wet.. the smell of dirty wet dog is not nice to my little nose. Nemo however seems to just love getting wet.. I swear it is coz he just likes to piss me off as much as he possibly can.. which really isn't all that hard these days.. I am a moody old bitch when it comes to this time of year.. oh wait who am I kidding.. I am a moody old bitch always! lol
Ok.. now lets move on to the black out..
..Emma and I are in the kitchen cooking dinner.. having a good ole laugh and just enjoying the boring routine that is cooking.. when all of a sudden it goes all black.. Nemo cries.. as you see he is afraid of the dark.. the big wuss! Anyways.. so luckily dinner was just about ready and so all we had to do was leave it on the heat for a little longer.. it would have been wicked annoying to have only just started cooking.. which I suspect that would have been the case for many households.. there was about 500 households effected.. so they say. At least we got to eat by candle light.. how romantic!
Emma looks out the windows and sees that many people around us had been effected.. and many hadn't.. it seemed to be a mix.. like half buildings etc.. and town.. most of town was out. Our plan for the evening WAS to go and see the Bond movie.. had pre-ordered tickets in all.. so we decide to head off early to take Nems for a walk.. and check out the black out.. and more importantly see if the cinema had power.. and yep you guessed it... no power.. so no movie for Jo! I was totally looking forward to it ALL day! Maybe that was the universe was just trying to piss me off?! coz really it IS all about me! hahahaha
So anyways.. stores had to close early etc.. and trains had even been stopped.. coz they had no power.. it was total darkness in town.. it was kinda cool.. but at the same time a little freaky out walking about.. so we headed to get some candy to much on while we sat home by candle light and chatted about random crapola.. which is alway fun yes?
At 6:36pm the power came back on.. 6mins after the movie we were meant to go and see was meant to start! I guess it just wasn't meant to be.. maybe on the weekend we will take another crack at it.. we will see. All up we were without power for about 100 minutes.. the longest 100 minutes of my life! LOL na not really.. it was kinda fun though.. we should do it more often! At least the candle light thing.. it is actually rather nice sitting in candle light.. don't you agree?
Well this week so far hasn't been anything to brag about.. although I was at a belated house warming party on Friday night and I had a guy there trying to tell me that Sweden was smaller than New Zealand.. I think maybe he thought New Zealand was Australia if I am to be honest.. coz he was a bit of a dingbat and I just wanted to punch him in the nose on several occasions.. but that is a whole nother story which I wont get into.. but yeah.. he was amusing for a small part of the night but pissed me off more than anything.. I don't like people trying to tell me I am wrong when I damn well know that I am right.. and I am more often right than wrong.. you see I don't like to make a dick of myself.. so I try to get all my facts together before I open my big mouth.. maybe more people should be like that and then I wouldn't have to deal with annoying people.. but I think that is way tooo much to ask..
For those who don't know.. according to Wikipedia...
New Zealand has a little over 4.2 million peoples & an area total of 268,680 km²
Sweden has a little over 9.2 million peoples & an area total of 449,964 km²
First lets start with the weather.. well it is cold and if it was a little bit colder we would actually have snow.. coz there is a mist in the air which means that every time I walk Nems we come home wet.. gross is all I have to say! I don't mind walking Nemo.. I just don't like walking him when he can get wet.. the smell of dirty wet dog is not nice to my little nose. Nemo however seems to just love getting wet.. I swear it is coz he just likes to piss me off as much as he possibly can.. which really isn't all that hard these days.. I am a moody old bitch when it comes to this time of year.. oh wait who am I kidding.. I am a moody old bitch always! lol
Ok.. now lets move on to the black out..
..Emma and I are in the kitchen cooking dinner.. having a good ole laugh and just enjoying the boring routine that is cooking.. when all of a sudden it goes all black.. Nemo cries.. as you see he is afraid of the dark.. the big wuss! Anyways.. so luckily dinner was just about ready and so all we had to do was leave it on the heat for a little longer.. it would have been wicked annoying to have only just started cooking.. which I suspect that would have been the case for many households.. there was about 500 households effected.. so they say. At least we got to eat by candle light.. how romantic!
Emma looks out the windows and sees that many people around us had been effected.. and many hadn't.. it seemed to be a mix.. like half buildings etc.. and town.. most of town was out. Our plan for the evening WAS to go and see the Bond movie.. had pre-ordered tickets in all.. so we decide to head off early to take Nems for a walk.. and check out the black out.. and more importantly see if the cinema had power.. and yep you guessed it... no power.. so no movie for Jo! I was totally looking forward to it ALL day! Maybe that was the universe was just trying to piss me off?! coz really it IS all about me! hahahaha
So anyways.. stores had to close early etc.. and trains had even been stopped.. coz they had no power.. it was total darkness in town.. it was kinda cool.. but at the same time a little freaky out walking about.. so we headed to get some candy to much on while we sat home by candle light and chatted about random crapola.. which is alway fun yes?
At 6:36pm the power came back on.. 6mins after the movie we were meant to go and see was meant to start! I guess it just wasn't meant to be.. maybe on the weekend we will take another crack at it.. we will see. All up we were without power for about 100 minutes.. the longest 100 minutes of my life! LOL na not really.. it was kinda fun though.. we should do it more often! At least the candle light thing.. it is actually rather nice sitting in candle light.. don't you agree?
Well this week so far hasn't been anything to brag about.. although I was at a belated house warming party on Friday night and I had a guy there trying to tell me that Sweden was smaller than New Zealand.. I think maybe he thought New Zealand was Australia if I am to be honest.. coz he was a bit of a dingbat and I just wanted to punch him in the nose on several occasions.. but that is a whole nother story which I wont get into.. but yeah.. he was amusing for a small part of the night but pissed me off more than anything.. I don't like people trying to tell me I am wrong when I damn well know that I am right.. and I am more often right than wrong.. you see I don't like to make a dick of myself.. so I try to get all my facts together before I open my big mouth.. maybe more people should be like that and then I wouldn't have to deal with annoying people.. but I think that is way tooo much to ask..
For those who don't know.. according to Wikipedia...
New Zealand has a little over 4.2 million peoples & an area total of 268,680 km²
Sweden has a little over 9.2 million peoples & an area total of 449,964 km²
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