Monday 3 September 2012

A Laughing Start!

Goodness me, it's September! Which has started off with some good food and laughs!

Emma and I headed off on Saturday afternoon to Lund for a couple of shows in the comedy festival and a lovely meat at a meaty place. This meat place was called M.E.A.T. and as you might think, it serves some real meaty goodness.. which is always a bit amusing when you walk in and then ask.. "do you have a vegetarian option?" So Emma got a quorn burger and I enjoyed a piece of black angus. We slowly chowed down on our meals, enjoying some light convo and of course beer.. or well in Emma's case a glass of rosé. 

We then finished off with a coffee and a minty chocolate meringue top.. which was highly amusing after Emma and I had just had a conversation how I don't particularly like minty things. It wasn't a strong flavour so I didn't mind it.

With our bellies full we headed off to the first show.. or well to the chaos first. Honestly, one would think that they had never held anything in this place before, there was no order whatsoever.. people were pushing and shoving and it was just plain stupid... and it was damn hot! I felt like I was sweating buckets! I also felt like I was a tomato!

Eventually we got in and got our seats and the first part of the show seemed to be, us watching the boy with tape on his face watch us come in! I watched him and thought.. wow, he must have really good breathing. You know, being all up on stage, just sitting there waiting patiently, with all the fake smoke being blown around everywhere lol Once everyone was seated, the show could really get into full swing! I wont go into details as to what exactly happened in the show but I will say this.. If you get the chance, spend the money and go and see it. Bloody hilarious. I would even see it again. My cheeks hurt from laughing, it was great. Here is the linkage to his website.. [link]

Afterwards we headed off, we had time to kill, the weather was getting a little chilly so we ducked into an Espresso House for a cup of hotness.. which turned out to be a cup of grossness. A babies bottle of milk is warmer than what they served. If you can't get something as simple as a hot chocolate done nicely then I shudder to think what anything else is like. Suffice to say, I shall never set foot in an Espresso House again.

Before we knew it, it was time to go to see David Sedaris.. this venue was a nicer venue, so therefore people seemed to act a little more upclass and there was no pushing and shoving. It was a welcome relief. We enjoyed David speaking, he really does have a knack for relaying stories and his Swedish wasn't too bad at all. The shitting in the hand story is pure gold though so I pose this question.. Have you ever shat in your hand to then lower it into the toilet to stop that splashing sound from happening? Coz apparently people do it, and it is more common than you might think!

Afterwards, we stood in line for aaaaaaages and Emma got a couple of books signed, he drew a turtle in one and told her he liked her hair in the other. He is a rather funny guy and it was quite the end to a good evening of laughs.. why can't there be a comedy festival on every week?

Just an added little funny that I saw as I walked in to use the ladies.. they had a shoe shine machine at the door! The even funnier part was.. someone had used it as I departed the ladies. I was amused. Old school amused at that!

And what is a day without ducks.. not fun that's what! While in Lund, I discovered this little family of ducks making its way out of a little tunnel.. family day out perhaps?

On Sunday, we got to meet the new addition to the clan.. his name is Arran, a little German Shepard puppy. Very damn adorable! He wasn't too sure of everyone to start with but with a little time he will be running the joint. [instagram photo]

Good start to September I reckon, hopefully it means more good to come!


  1. Yay for meat and puppies!!! Xx

  2. OMG i so read that comment as YAY for meat puppies .... and i instantly wanted to yell "No you naighty lil asian you dont eat puppies"
    but then i re read the comment and decided i didnt need to do my racist rant

    1. Someone needs new glasses! :P
      Or to read less porn so their eyes ain't so tired! ;) :P


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A banana a day makes you ready to play!

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