Sunday, 28 February 2010
Saturday, 27 February 2010
Emma's First Recipe!

The first batch were a chocolate (lemony) batter with Polly candy
Polly - Delightfully chewy foam drops with a lovely chocolate flavour coating. The tempting chewy centre and chocolate flavour make Polly unique and irresistible.
The second batch were a vanilla (lemony) batter with Dumle & Gräddkola candy. Or well not together.. half had Dumle.. and as you can guess the other half had Gräddkola
Dumle - Silky soft, chocolate-covered caramel filling is loved by everyone. Everyone that is, who remains a child at heart.
Gräddkola - Soft, creamy caramel coated in chocolate, not unlike Milkduds. Mmm tasty!
The rest of the other 'muffins' will go to the birds and ducks after they have been ripped apart and cooked some more to dry them out. Not that they taste horrible.. they just look real ugly and deformed.
Oh and would you believe that Emma does the baking and yet I still manage to burn myself.. Just above my elbow pitt at that! I guess baking day isn't baking day unless I burn myself.. whether I am the baker or not lol
All in all tho, I think Emma did really well.. I shall keep her on as head baker. *wink*
Oh and would you believe that Emma does the baking and yet I still manage to burn myself.. Just above my elbow pitt at that! I guess baking day isn't baking day unless I burn myself.. whether I am the baker or not lol
All in all tho, I think Emma did really well.. I shall keep her on as head baker. *wink*
Goodies & Lippy!
Today I was on a bit of a sugar high.. after eating some of Emma's baking & left over choco candies from the baking session.. I guess one would have to say that it is the best thing to happen coming off the LCD! But then the sore tum tum kicks in from eating so much of the non 'good' stuffs.
Earlier in the day it was my turn to get a tody up of the good ole boofy mess that one would call hair.. the girl next to me had a bit of an eye problem and was hard core staring at me and was making no attempt what so ever to hide what she was doing.. but karma hit her and Emma snapped a pic of me in the chair with her off to the side yawning.. so attractive! haha Posted to Facebook it went! Noice! I do love having freshly trimmed hair.. it's so nice and tidy... and light! In weight that is, not colour.
Ummm.. well nothing much else to report really.. or well Emma baked.. read that here. & Nemo got his lippy out.
Earlier in the day it was my turn to get a tody up of the good ole boofy mess that one would call hair.. the girl next to me had a bit of an eye problem and was hard core staring at me and was making no attempt what so ever to hide what she was doing.. but karma hit her and Emma snapped a pic of me in the chair with her off to the side yawning.. so attractive! haha Posted to Facebook it went! Noice! I do love having freshly trimmed hair.. it's so nice and tidy... and light! In weight that is, not colour.
Ummm.. well nothing much else to report really.. or well Emma baked.. read that here. & Nemo got his lippy out.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Ice & Snow!
Monday, 22 February 2010
Ghostly & Cookbooks!
Yet another rather cold weekend with even more snow.. it seems to be never ending. Em and I were out and about on Saturday in town and we heard what was like the sound of thunder and then before I know it.. a whole bunch of snow has fallen from the rooftop and come down and there was a large lump of snow on the path.. I looked around and then realised that Emma was under that snow!! O noes! However when I got home I found comfort in seeing her ghostly figure watching over me.. making sure I was ok. I was even lucky enough to catch a snap of her ghostly image walking past...
Ok you got me.. the snow didn't fall on Emma.. but it did fall and it could have fallen on her had we been anywhere near that area when it happened.. and that isn't Emma's ghost.. it is her soul heading for the door to find a warmer climate.. coz it is sick and tired of all the cold and snow! hahaha
btw it is snowing again as I type this.
The weekend didn't bring much in the terms of excitement.. so we did our usual routine of foodage shopping nice and early on Saturday morning.. it felt like we were hiking again to get there! It was there that Emma came across yet another cookbook to add to her collection of cookbooks and recipes. For someone who doesn't cook she sure does own loads of cookbooks and recipes.. it's nuts! NUTS! I tells ya! So I said that she has to bake at least 10 recipes from this book.. and as you can see she has the best intentions and has picked out and tabbed all the things she wants to bake from it..
I guess time will tell.. and when/if it does happen I shall be sure to blog all about it.. so that it is on record as proof. This weekend is hopefully going to be her first recipe.
In other news:
Nemo got to have a bone and thoroughly enjoyed it!
I got to spend the whole inside out of the cold and slippage on Sunday! Thanks Emma for taking Nems on ALL his walks!
We had Eggplant balls for dinner! Sadly they didn't have that little bit of kick like they did last time.
Sweden is doing rather well in the Olympics. 6 medals!
NZ is not.
Spartacus: Blood and Sand grosses me out but I can't stop watching it.
4 days left on the LCD! YaY!

btw it is snowing again as I type this.
The weekend didn't bring much in the terms of excitement.. so we did our usual routine of foodage shopping nice and early on Saturday morning.. it felt like we were hiking again to get there! It was there that Emma came across yet another cookbook to add to her collection of cookbooks and recipes. For someone who doesn't cook she sure does own loads of cookbooks and recipes.. it's nuts! NUTS! I tells ya! So I said that she has to bake at least 10 recipes from this book.. and as you can see she has the best intentions and has picked out and tabbed all the things she wants to bake from it..

In other news:
Nemo got to have a bone and thoroughly enjoyed it!
I got to spend the whole inside out of the cold and slippage on Sunday! Thanks Emma for taking Nems on ALL his walks!
We had Eggplant balls for dinner! Sadly they didn't have that little bit of kick like they did last time.
Sweden is doing rather well in the Olympics. 6 medals!
NZ is not.
Spartacus: Blood and Sand grosses me out but I can't stop watching it.
4 days left on the LCD! YaY!
Friday, 19 February 2010
Friday & Lemon!
ARGH! When will the freaken snow stop coming and clear up? Seriously sick of it! & sick of the dangerous looking spikes hanging from the rooftops... and balcony bottoms. I would mainly like it to clear up some so that I don't feel like I am gonna kill myself everytime I have to go outside. Longest winter ever! Scat! be gone with you winter! Pretty please? *flutters lashes*
Anyways off that cold topic and onto something much much betterer! 1 week to go! Yippie! Altho this time it has been easier with the added bonus of finding dairy free vegan chocolate.. so having those little treats as made it feel like we haven't been on a cleansing diet.. but then having to drink 2 glasses of water with lemon juice, followed by the torture of the vegetable juice.. or well I must admit the one we used this time around is much nicer than the other times.. anyways having to do that every mornings snaps it all back into the reality of the fact that we are in fact on a cleanse. Worst part of the whole thing if you ask me. So yeah we are on the home stretch and it feels good.
The one thing that I am really looking forward to is.. coffee.. a real coffee with real milk. But for now I still have to stick with tea.. flavoured tea at that.. which I must admit is really growing on me.. Today I am trying a Dilmah Lemon & Lime tea.. no milk, no sugar. Emma gave it the thumbs up the other day so I thought I would try it..
YaY! It's Friday! Whatever shall I do with my weekend?
Anyways off that cold topic and onto something much much betterer! 1 week to go! Yippie! Altho this time it has been easier with the added bonus of finding dairy free vegan chocolate.. so having those little treats as made it feel like we haven't been on a cleansing diet.. but then having to drink 2 glasses of water with lemon juice, followed by the torture of the vegetable juice.. or well I must admit the one we used this time around is much nicer than the other times.. anyways having to do that every mornings snaps it all back into the reality of the fact that we are in fact on a cleanse. Worst part of the whole thing if you ask me. So yeah we are on the home stretch and it feels good.
The one thing that I am really looking forward to is.. coffee.. a real coffee with real milk. But for now I still have to stick with tea.. flavoured tea at that.. which I must admit is really growing on me.. Today I am trying a Dilmah Lemon & Lime tea.. no milk, no sugar. Emma gave it the thumbs up the other day so I thought I would try it..

YaY! It's Friday! Whatever shall I do with my weekend?
Monday, 15 February 2010
Baths & Chocolate!
Where to start? How about with chocolate! That is always the best place to start.. right?
Anyways.. it was chocolate day..errr I mean Valentines Day & Emma has very kindly purchased some Organic Vegan chocolate.. which meant that we could actually enjoy some goodies on the LCD.. right on! It was like heaven in my mouth.. 6 weeks of no chocolate at all will do that to a girl! It was wicked nice and Emma also discovered that she does actually enjoy grown up chocolate.. grown up chocolate being Fruit & Nut! Yum! I have always enjoyed it myself and my fave has always been the Whittaker's Raisin Peanut Slab! Not that I don't enjoy the other slabs.. that is just me fave. Anyways so Emma and I enjoyed our chocolate throughout the day and we walked around some double chocolate & almond cookies for the parentals.. freshly baked that is.
What did Nemo get for Valentines you ask.. well he got to come for the walk to the parentals, which caused him to look like this...
and then when he got home he got a bath! Which he wasn't so impressed about.
But then he got to have a good ole rug roll.. which he loves so very much. [click here for a YouTube video of his rug roll] & to keep with the chocolate day theme he got to wear his m&m jumper. Such a spunky boy he is! & currently he smells goood! However that wont last long.. sadly.
So the winter olympics has started.. and they show the re-runs during the day for us coz well with the time difference everything is on in the middle of the night.. and well.. we have to sleep.. or well not that I am all that interested in watching it but for the next 2 weeks.. I dare say that is what the tv will be programmed to.. o well I can handle two weeks.. I hope.
Nothing much has happened over the last few days.. there has been even more snow.. which gave Nems the perfect chance to eat some fresh snow.. I guess that's another thing he got for valentines lol
Anyways.. it was chocolate day..errr I mean Valentines Day & Emma has very kindly purchased some Organic Vegan chocolate.. which meant that we could actually enjoy some goodies on the LCD.. right on! It was like heaven in my mouth.. 6 weeks of no chocolate at all will do that to a girl! It was wicked nice and Emma also discovered that she does actually enjoy grown up chocolate.. grown up chocolate being Fruit & Nut! Yum! I have always enjoyed it myself and my fave has always been the Whittaker's Raisin Peanut Slab! Not that I don't enjoy the other slabs.. that is just me fave. Anyways so Emma and I enjoyed our chocolate throughout the day and we walked around some double chocolate & almond cookies for the parentals.. freshly baked that is.
What did Nemo get for Valentines you ask.. well he got to come for the walk to the parentals, which caused him to look like this...
So the winter olympics has started.. and they show the re-runs during the day for us coz well with the time difference everything is on in the middle of the night.. and well.. we have to sleep.. or well not that I am all that interested in watching it but for the next 2 weeks.. I dare say that is what the tv will be programmed to.. o well I can handle two weeks.. I hope.
Nothing much has happened over the last few days.. there has been even more snow.. which gave Nems the perfect chance to eat some fresh snow.. I guess that's another thing he got for valentines lol

Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Monday, 8 February 2010
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Highheels & Snow!
Yesterday while I was out walking Nemo I got stuck behind a slow poke of a woman who was very carefully walking along in the snow wearing high-freaken-heels! Seriously bitch.. wear some real shoes in this weather so you at the very least don't hold up the people walking behind you.. who can't get past coz the snow mounds are in the way! Just coz you were stupid enough to wear heels in uneven snow sludge! We smart people don't deserve to forced to walk slowly in the cold behind you coz you were too bloody stupid to wear real shoes!
Monday, 1 February 2010
Tennis & Ducks!
Australian Open finals were on the weekend.. so Emma and I headed off early to be able to watch them around at the parentals. Saturday was the Chicks and Sunday was the Chucks. I really wanted Serena Williams to lose. I am sick of seeing her ugly manly mug.. can't she just retire already? I really wanted Justine Henin to win.. o well maybe next year right? Then there was the boys.. I am a Fedsy fan but either way I would of been happy if Andy Murray had of won.. he just wasn't on top of his game on Sunday.. still plenty of time for him to shine tho.. not that he isn't already shining.. altho I did perfer his floppy fro hair more lol One of these days I am gonna be in Australia.. with the dosh to be able to splurge on seeing the final.. live and in person.. in good seats at that.. I don't wanna watch dots.
Umm I went to go and feed the ducks on Saturday and the little buggers flew over the fence at me! Freaked me out a tad.. for a moment I wasn't sure if they were actually going to stop but of course they did.. and I didn't give them any food until they went back over the fence.. or well.. minus two duckies who stayed on my side so I just chucked them a couple of handfuls. They were all so hungry.. but then it was freaken cold.. like -14! eeeek! At one point there was an impatient duck under me who tried to eat my plastic bag! Little shit. It's a sentimental plastic bag.. it's Australian! hahah
So that pretty much sums up my weekend.. tennis and duck feeding.. not overly exciting but more exciting than usual. Today has been a pretty meh day.. there is heaps of piled up snow.. the roads are wet.. from melted snow coz it has warmed up some.. currently it is 1.7 degrees! That's PLUS 1.7! Wooooot! haha
Umm I went to go and feed the ducks on Saturday and the little buggers flew over the fence at me! Freaked me out a tad.. for a moment I wasn't sure if they were actually going to stop but of course they did.. and I didn't give them any food until they went back over the fence.. or well.. minus two duckies who stayed on my side so I just chucked them a couple of handfuls. They were all so hungry.. but then it was freaken cold.. like -14! eeeek! At one point there was an impatient duck under me who tried to eat my plastic bag! Little shit. It's a sentimental plastic bag.. it's Australian! hahah
So that pretty much sums up my weekend.. tennis and duck feeding.. not overly exciting but more exciting than usual. Today has been a pretty meh day.. there is heaps of piled up snow.. the roads are wet.. from melted snow coz it has warmed up some.. currently it is 1.7 degrees! That's PLUS 1.7! Wooooot! haha
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To see Emma's full instagram feed - http://instagram.com/subspeaker (coz you know she takes some awesome pics too.. and some even feature me.. so I have to share those!)