This morning I took my second fall of the year.. or well it was a full fall really as I managed to get my hand down on the ground to steady myself some.. to onlookers it would have looked like I was proposing to the invisible man or woman or even possibly a dog.. who knows.. just something invisible anyways.. it did hurt and jarred my back even more so that with every step after that it felt like I was being stabbed.. so Nems sadly got a short walk which suited me in the -11 temps!
Anyways moving along from falls to doughs.. coz really that is a very natural progression!! I have started the process of making a sourdough starter in the hope of keeping it alive for years to come! I can't even keep fish alove so I'm not how good I will be with this.. but its important to have the starter for sourdough bread and I want to make some sourdough bread bowls to house soup especially for Emma so no time like the present to get the process started.. and plus it turns out you can use it to make a whole range of yummo things!! Like Sourdough Blueberry Lemon Cake! DeeeeeeLish!
So anyways here is the birth of Tyke.. apparently you name these things coz they can live forever if you treat them right.. we will see I guess..
I must say he isn't too pretty yet...
Anyways moving along from falls to doughs.. coz really that is a very natural progression!! I have started the process of making a sourdough starter in the hope of keeping it alive for years to come! I can't even keep fish alove so I'm not how good I will be with this.. but its important to have the starter for sourdough bread and I want to make some sourdough bread bowls to house soup especially for Emma so no time like the present to get the process started.. and plus it turns out you can use it to make a whole range of yummo things!! Like Sourdough Blueberry Lemon Cake! DeeeeeeLish!
So anyways here is the birth of Tyke.. apparently you name these things coz they can live forever if you treat them right.. we will see I guess..
I must say he isn't too pretty yet...

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