Thursday, 20 October 2011


Well.. what a total little slack blogging bum I have been as of late! Not even a single post for October! Sometimes one just doesn't feel inspired enough to write about anything and sometimes one is just too busy.. being in life. Doesn't mean you have been busy doing loads of stuff.. just means you have been busy just plodding along.

Last weekend however.. Em has her birthday dinner.. where I got to put it nicely.. shit-fucking-faced. Put before that took place.. I had the lovely task of making the wonderful Chocokin! Glorious layers of chocolate and pumpkin cake with a yum yum maple cream cheese frosting all around and inbtween.. oh baby! it's the shizz!
Em and I tag teamed the sandwich cake as we usually do and we made 2 beautiful beasts! [photo one] and [photo two] Oh and I also broke out mah mad ice cream making skillz and whipped up a batch of butter pecan ice cream.. recipe supplied by Ben & Jerry's baby! [chocokin & butter pecan foodporn

There were many laughs while drinking over the course of the evening.. everyone with big belleh's full of glorious food. As the night progressed my vision got more and more blurry and then by the time it was time to walk Nemo before attempting to pass out.. I was all over the place walking down the street with Em.. I think she regretted taking me along.. but it was nice to be out in some freshness.. I do remember having to stop. I do remember not falling over coz I gots da mad skillz! I enjoyed my night muchly..

However.. I did not enjoy my morning muchly.. my head and mouth felt like something had crawled in and died. After some peanut butter on toast and a coffee and a little lazy morning.. I was back to my normal charming self.. which as you all know by now.. isn't so charming.

I am glad I don't do birthdays every week.. and I am so glad that my birthday gets over taken by christmas. It really is the perfect excuse to not have to deal with or do anything.


  1. Happy happy Em you lucky lucky woman

  2. You are seriously going to cater something for me sometime


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Leave me a banana while you are at it!
A banana a day makes you ready to play!

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