Monday, 4 October 2010


Update #1.0.
Finally on Friday my iPhone arrived!
However.. the account wasn't going to change over until Wednesday-ish this week, so I was left with a phone that I couldn't really use as a phone.. glorified iPod touch it seems. My excitement over getting a new phone was short lived.
Then last night, I try to take a photo using the flash and discover that I indeed have a FAULTY iPhone. Emma thinks the flash is leaking light or something.. so this afternoon off we toddle to the phone store to see what the next step is.. prolly wait another 6 weeks for a new one knowing my luck.
Very short lived excitement.
I think I officially regret upgrading.
Although.. playing scrabble on the new phone is rather smooooooth.. but doesn't play so nice with the multi-tasking, especially the free version of scrabble.. or well Words With Friends.
I'm getting off track.

Update #2.0.
I discovered just how small a town I live in!
Emma was at a family birthday dinner thingeemebob and what one does at those things is chatter.
I wasn't there so I don't know just how it came up.. but it came up..
See next part of update!

Update #2.1.
Horse lady has a name!
Well.. of course she does.. but we actually know her name now.. and her age!
She is homeless.. and will prolly hang around this town for about a year before moving on. Her name is Bella (could totally be a horse name right?) and she is 52.. she looks much older.
I still don't have a photo and I have not seen her this weekend.

Update #3.0.
I put my sandals away yesterday.
So that means officially it is no longer 'summer' for me.
It was a sad day... but there was some happiness.. see next part of update.

Update #3.1.
I re-discovered a pair of shoes of mine that are pure funk.
I get to wear them.
Hopefully they wont hurt my feet.. too much.

Update #4.0.
Emma found some black vinyl pants and tried them on.
She totally pulled them off.. as in could wear them in public. 
I thought she should wear them to work. 
She did not.
They were put away in storage.. again.


  1. Oh and one more thing.. I didn't cook alllllll weekend and it was awesome!
    Emma even baked cookies!
    They were awesome!

    Saturday Emma made Butter Chickpeas instead of Butter Chicken.. I am VERY happy with the outcome and want it more often!

    Sunday Emma made a brunch with allllll the trimmings.. it kept us going all day, with a cookie break of course!

    I think it is time for a cookie break right now actually... shhhh don't tell Emma Bo Bemma!

  2. Who knew Emma was so handy in the kitchen right? :P

  3. I seriously laughed so hard at "Horse lady has a name!" that Mike came to check that I was're a classic, Jop! :P

  4. I know.. I'm awesome!
    I should bottle me and make a mint!

  5. Just don't make a horse lady scented mint....that might smell kinda manky! :P


Comment away.. you know you wanna!
Leave me a banana while you are at it!
A banana a day makes you ready to play!

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