So here's a little story that should cause a slight amount of amusement.
This is a true story and it happened just the other day in my very own
kitchen. No, Emma did not fall over standing still again... that I know
of anyway.
Like I said, this story takes place in the kitchen. It stars yours truly, a tea-towel (pictured below), breadboard (also pictured below) and a washing basket. I know, interesting combination and I can only imagine the stories you are concocting in your own minds.
Like I said, this story takes place in the kitchen. It stars yours truly, a tea-towel (pictured below), breadboard (also pictured below) and a washing basket. I know, interesting combination and I can only imagine the stories you are concocting in your own minds.

There I was, doing my housewifey duties when I notice the breadboard is
all crumby so I take the tea-towel, that had been used to cover the delicious sourdough bread that Emma baked.. which was the cause of the crumbs! I then, pull the breadboard out of it's slot,
hold it over the sink and use the tea-towel to wipe the crumbs off and
into the sink. Ahhh, a nice clean breadboard I think to myself as I
proceed to put the tea-towel down and the head out of the kitchen towards
the bedroom where the washing basket is stationed. It's a good dozen
steps from the kitchen to the basket and once I reach it, I go to place
the breadboard in it. It was only at that point that I realised just
what I was about to do. I shake my head, laugh and head back to the
kitchen to put the breadboard in it's rightful slot, to discover that
the tea-towel was on the floor. I guess I had gone to put the tea-towel in
the breadboard slot, coz I am clearly that awesome. Just another day,
just another housewife story.
And speaking of stories, Emma has managed to ruin the best part of my housewife stories with the Jehovah's! She answered the bloody door while she was on sick recovery leave. Expecting it to be the delivery of our spunky as Camper shoes. She apologised profusely when she closed the door after being all nice to them and realising just what she had done. Realising she had ruined my life! (Ok, not really) Ruined her chance to witness, in person, the full hilarity of the devil mail slot and the confusion these ladies have when they can't push their flimsy preachy papers through. I doubt I will see them again this year. It was a very sad realisation when it all went down at just how much was lost. It's those small moments in life that make it all worth it. Those small hilarious moments. It's also moments like going to Berlin! Which will be happening in 27 days! Can't wait! Shit is gonna be epic! As always, when Emma and I get our travel on!
And speaking of stories, Emma has managed to ruin the best part of my housewife stories with the Jehovah's! She answered the bloody door while she was on sick recovery leave. Expecting it to be the delivery of our spunky as Camper shoes. She apologised profusely when she closed the door after being all nice to them and realising just what she had done. Realising she had ruined my life! (Ok, not really) Ruined her chance to witness, in person, the full hilarity of the devil mail slot and the confusion these ladies have when they can't push their flimsy preachy papers through. I doubt I will see them again this year. It was a very sad realisation when it all went down at just how much was lost. It's those small moments in life that make it all worth it. Those small hilarious moments. It's also moments like going to Berlin! Which will be happening in 27 days! Can't wait! Shit is gonna be epic! As always, when Emma and I get our travel on!
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