Thursday, 12 January 2012

Why So.. Slack?

And so has begun another year!
And... once again I have started it with what appears to be one very slack tush!

The weather this year has been so mild that currently.. it doesn't even feel like winter. This time last year.. it looked like this..
A cold, snowy winter wonderland!
And so far the best amount of snow we have got this year is.. [click for photo]
The place pretty much just looks like this.. [click for photo]

I must say tho.. the snow-less streets makes for maneuvering our new shopping trolley quite easy! I must admit, our trolley was one of the best buys we got in Boston. Bring on the nanna jokes I dare ya! But I just love strutting my stuff with mah trolley! 
I do want to pimp mah trolley and give the little thing new wheels.. like the equivalent of a toorak tractor but for trolleys! I think the 4wd drive look on a trolley would look rather awesome.. especially once it does actually snow.. maybe Em will be convinced to pimp it once it does snow.

So far, this year has been pretty low key. Nothing really amazing or special to report.. but I will say this.. my next blog will be revisiting turkey!
Hold on to your hats!


  1. Pimp my trolley ... maybe thats a new reality show you could pitch to MTV

    1. I think you might just be on to something there Pinky! I'd be a great host also right? Especially with EuroDuck!

  2. Maybe a bedazzler would come in useful to Pimp the trolley

  3. You could totally put a portable DVD screen on the front of that trolley!!

  4. oooh you've just made me jelly! I'm going to have to make a cover for my trolley so it looks pretty like yours then I shall worry about pimping mine too.
    heres a bunch of bananas for ya!


Comment away.. you know you wanna!
Leave me a banana while you are at it!
A banana a day makes you ready to play!

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