Monday, 10 January 2011

Just Useless.

The new year has arrived and I have started it off with.. once again being o so very slack in the blogging department.. actually even more so than usual.. why is this you ask? coz it has been freaken horrible here that I don't want to find myself just moaning and moaning and moaning.. it is starting to feel like that is all I can do right now. I guess it is that time of year over this side of the world where the weather and people just irk you. Must be all the cold and darkness. Doesn't make for fun adventures that's for sure.  Useless. I'm over this winter already. I need a holiday.

Moving onto something good tho.. Polly, the parentals birdy who hates me with a vengeance.. seemed to actually love me the other night. 
She even gave me her bedroom eyes and let me pat her.. for the first time in all the years that they have had her.. she must have been high or something.. or maybe she just liked my 'stache shirt! The 'stache is felt and feels nice after all lol Next time I go around.. no doubt she will be on the hate me routine again.. that's life!

The parentals parked car got hit by a bus.. it was some good spotting and timing on our behalf too. Em and I were out walking Nemo.. braving the slips, we came up past the church and saw a bus parked on the crossing and Em made a comment about what an idiot for parking there.. which is true, who parks on the crossing? People kinda need it car free so that they can cross.. but anyways we continue on and on the home stretch we see the parentals car parked.. and I noticed that there is a rather large scrape along the side.. then I noticed that the light frame had also been popped off.. and then it was apparent that the bus was parked on the crossing coz the driver was coming down to the car to leave his number. Em called Pa and he came down to sort things.. and as you would imagine he was kinda pissed.. I would be too if my car had got hit by.. well anything within the first year of owning it.. I think that they have had it maybe that long? Maybe it was last christmas they got it? They have changed cars so much it's hard to keep track.. I see a new car in their future.

I can't really say that there is much more to type so I will leave you with this.. I want to see this movie.. 'Paul' and I want to have my very own Paul!
Someone.. make it happen!

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