It has been many many months since I have sat down and put my fingers to keys to actually tap out a blog, not much has happened but at the same time, a lot has happened! The very most memorable part of what has happened is.. the birth of my son!
7 weeks ago today, my son, Julius came crashing into this world. 10 weeks too early. Which meant, we got to spend a whole 5 weeks and 2 days in the NICU/neonatal unit with him. While it sounds like a long time, it was a lot less than what they were thinking it would be.. but our boy is one strong little dude! Cute to boot!
We had our ups and downs in the unit, but we left with positive feelings thanks to one very great nurse, who actually took notice and even listened to us and then made the changes our son needed to be able to come home and live a happy life with us in his own space and for us to start the parenthood journey for realz! And to not have to look at another microwave meal again!
We are looking forward to experiencing all the firsts, like the first time he pooped on us. Now he is a little Poo Cannon, where if we aren't careful, one ends up looking like this..
It has happened to me 4 times, he has fired a few more times than that but has missed me! He has yet to hit Emma. This tells me, Emma needs to change more nappies!
We had our first walk together as a family of four, after many days of being home and cooped up inside away from the pissing down rain! Not only was it our first stroll as a family but also the first use of our stroller! And it handled better than I could ever have dreamed! Love it!

It is going to be quite the ride, this adventure.. I think it is going to be lots of fun, along with some hard work of course but I think the good will definitely outweigh the hard or horrible, especially when you throw in some good beer! Speaking of, on May 1st, I once again went to Copenhagen Beer Celebration and partook in some lovely lovely beers, and some not so lovely beers. I got to try a feijoa beer all the way from New Zealand and oh my lord, it was all kinds of delicious. I wished I could get my hands on it again, I had two tasting glasses with the lads from 8 Wired and if I am honest, I could have just spent the entire day with them and that keg. 8 Wired's Wild Feijoa Sour Ale is all the deliciousness! I did however try another great sour, and that was this sea-buckthorn sour and it had the most delicious taste and colour..

That outing to CBC was the last I got to have before the pregnancy really took the forefront and Emma got put on bed-rest, then came 6 weeks of being a slave to the lady! It was very tiring until we got into a rhythm and then I guess even Julius was sick of the bed-rest and decided enough was enough. He arrived and we had nothing set up for him, we had a Bugaboo Stroller on order, it arrived just before we got to go home! Phew! In the 5 weeks we were in the hospital, we managed to get the room ready for his homecoming and fill it with all the things required. It still isn't quite finished but it's kid-like enough to pass as an awesome baby room.
Mikkel found things tough with Emma being on bed-rest, he didn't get as much play time and walk time with her and that also meant less play time with the awesome Leia, which we have rectified now that we are home with sending him there for a couple of days to play his little heart out! He has come home today, very tired and VERY happy! And speaking of Mikkel, he loves his new little furless brother and is so sweet with him! We really have gotten lucky with this little family.
I hope to find more time to do some blogs of the parenthood adventure, but in between, one can always keep up to date with instagram photos from both Emma and I.. [link to instagram tag]