Mikkel continues to settle in, gain confidence and grow.. now we know he has grown a little coz when we first got him home, he could walk under the coffee table no problems... now he walks head first into it coz he seems to forget that he has grown so we can be sitting there and then *donk*. It is very amusing and all kinds of adorable!
He is cute the adorable little guy, winning hearts all over the place. His face, so cute! His body, so tiny! His attitude... SO big! He is the dude, the king of this castle. Rules the roost!
This life with little Mikkel is quite enjoyable. I barely remember what it was like to not have him. It does make me think more about Nemo tho, he would have been a great teacher. But, Mikkel is getting there, he's doing better with his toilet training, we can go days without incident inside and he still sleeps the night without going potty inside, which I think is all kinds of impressive in itself.
He has recently discovered the concrete squirrel, he was sitting on my lap when all of a sudden he started growling (his growl is all kinds of adorable!) I put him on the ground with it and he barked and growled and ran around, all the while not to get tooo close.. hilarious to say the least! After about 5mins of this, I held Mikkel and also held the squirrel.. let them meet and Mikkel was all happy and licking it and being friendly like he is when he meets new dogs. Hilarious! Now, every time he spies the squirrel through the gate, he does a little something to try and get it's attention but you know.. concrete isn't much of a fan of moving! haha here's a little taste of his squirrel time.. [video]
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Left: Looking down at the squirrel Right: looking out at the neighbours (that awkward moment when you go to take a photo and the flash is on.. ..I don't think they realised.) |
He also had a moment where he sat staring out the window at the neighbours, while sitting on the desk. It lasted about 20mins. He just sat, staring. I guess he is easily entertained.
At the moment, life is more about establishing a routine for the little guy, than it is about living the active life. Set times for food, outdoor play and the like. It's quite repetitive and causes time to fly by faster than it already does. Hard to believe that it is already half way through February.
This face!
And I shall leave you with Mikkel in his most favourite of sleeping spots.. [photo]